by osueo 29 May 2014

YET ANOTHER idea for solutions:::::::

I have sewing patterns---all kinds, all sizes, all styles, going back 50 or more years-----
Craigs list---Goodwill----Salvation Army--take to son's house and use them as fuel for S'mores----line shelves with them----I gave some to a friend who scrapbooks---she takes 1 and uses it for a million things----she said--NO MORE----ALL IDEAS WILL BE WELCOME----THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!


by asterixsew Moderator 31 May 2014

Hope by now you have found a new home for these

1 comment
osueo by osueo 31 May 2014

As I CLEAR and CLEAN out I am finding homes for stuff---my problem is that I keep going to the store and acquiring MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as the STUFF finds homes-----especially feel good when it goes to homes that are in need and it can help make someone's life better and more pleasant and comfortable!! Thank you and God bless you!!!!

by Patricia109 29 May 2014

Contact the sewing guild to see if anyone there would like them. Or ask if the local chapter has a Bring And Buy day and can you attend. You can sell them or give them away - your choice.

by joyce500 29 May 2014

I agree with Rescuer, The old patterns can bring a lot of money. I was yard saleing a few years ago, had a lady asking for old patterns. Joyce

by cfidl 29 May 2014

I am positive someone will appreciate them as what they are, I agree ebay is a great place to start.

by rescuer Moderator 29 May 2014

Some of those older patterns are worth a lot of money. Many of them more than $15-30 each in the USA. You should try eBay.

1 comment
osueo by osueo 29 May 2014

Would love to give them away---
I will look in to Ebay----have purchased several items--cheaply---and safely---
God bless you!!!!