Pic 1) Hey who turned out the lights?
Maybe I'll be a bank robber today!
Pic 2) Whew that's better, the lights are back on!
Ms Loralye if you can make these without a pattern you can do anything! I never thought of doing this.
I found a free pattern called Germ face mask on - mama can do it.com. Haven't had the time to make it yet but will in a few days. Hope this will help anyone that wants to try it.
I never thought of making them myself but it is an excellent idea.I find the elastic often breaks as you put the on.
Very pretty and practical. Why pay a lot for inferior stuff! Rather make your own. You can just wash it when needed, and there you go again. I'm sure you look cute in these!
great idea.. I should learn how to make those,, I get infections so easy being ill. but also when ever you go to the dr, office you can get some for free,, there out in most waiting rooms.. adults an child sizes,,, just a thought dear,,,
Not here? But that would be a great idea. @ the Dr.s office here we get 0, :( not even hand cleaner anti bacteria)
You have come up with a great mask. Well done Hugs Shirley
Thanks Shirley. Hubby thought so too & has been wearing it so @least I know that it works too! ~hugs~
yes john has to ware one of these all the time but his is a big thing over nose and mouth :(:(
Great job :):)
This will cover from the top of our nose down under our chins & I have put the pleats (darts) to fit each of us. A tight fit will keep out the dust or @least the worst of it & it is lined so breathable & dust free I hope.