by leenova54 19 Apr 2014

Arlene, please PM me, can't find youI got your card the other day and the pocket angels (never saw that pattern before and the angel to watch over me (had not seen that pattern before either) and she is beautiful. I am going to use ribbon and hang her on the headboard of my bed. Man, I hurt so bad, mostly it is from my knees down and no pain med is helping.

Boy, you have a bunch of grands! I don't have any! I got your card the other day and the pocket angels (never saw that pattern before and the angel to watch over me (had not seen that pattern before either) and she is beautiful. I am going to use ribbon and hang her on the headboard of my bed. Man, I hurt so bad, mostly it is from my knees down and no pain med is helping. Down to 84 pounds!


by laffma1 21 Apr 2014

Glad to see you on-line checking in! Sorry about the leg discomfort, but hopefully, you can work through it well enough. You are a strong lady, and inspiration for all of us. Hope you enjoyed Easter dinner with your family.

by pennifold 21 Apr 2014

I pray for you every day too Deb and am so sorry to hear that you are experiencing so much leg pain. I hope you still have some appetite as 38kgs is very light. Prayers for grace and healing. Love and blessings Chris

by juanitadenney 19 Apr 2014

Constantly thinking about you and sending prayers your way. Juanita

by noah 19 Apr 2014

Nice to hear from you Deb. do u know what site the angels are from maybe we could show the world for you/???
I will continue to pray and Happy Easter our cute Friend Hugs Carolyn

leenova54 by leenova54 20 Apr 2014

No, I don't. Thanks for the well wishes. Having dinner with my parents and one brother. Sure is nice to have dinner with my parents every so often, doesn't happen much, don't get to go anywhere unless they take me.

noah by noah 21 Apr 2014

wish i lived next door hugs

by jrob Moderator 19 Apr 2014

I'm sorry you are feeling so much pain in your lower legs. Still praying for you.
Arlene is holly12.
So happy that you have angels to watch over you.
Hugs and love!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 20 Apr 2014

Thank you for your help and hugs and love too. I still just keep working through the pain, even the doctors don't know why I am still alive, lol!

by hightechgrammy 19 Apr 2014

Hi Deb! It's great to hear from you! Is it springtime where you live yet? I'm sure you'll love spending some time outside in the sun after this long winter we've had! Sometime, if you get a chance, We'd love to see a picture of you with your angels! May God bless you and continue to heal you! Hugs, Jan