by marymoore 13 Jun 2008

does anyone here have their own website was just wondering i was told i need to start my own any suggestions?


by pafhen 13 Jun 2008

Some do myspace, you think of teens but there are several of us that are not teens that have one.

by silver 13 Jun 2008

What kind of page/site do you need to build? There are a number of places where they will host a personal page for free. If you are looking to start a business tho you will probably need to buy a site/domain name. You can make money at some free sites because you can add links that will pay you for every 'hit' someone makes to that link. Free personal web pages, like at Yahoo (aka Geocities) are usually a pretty easy way to start because they provide ways to build pages (compilers) so you do not need to know HTML code. They do have limits tho. If you page gets really busy (high bandwidth) they will close your page down for the rest of the month once you have run up your monthly limit. They will sell you additional bandwidth if needed or you can choose to just buy a better service. The places that will sell you a 'domain' name vary, some are good some are not BUT if you get a name you like and you let the subscription expire someone else can buy the site's name... not fun. Just be sure to set up a separate web based email account at someplace like Yahoo or Hotmail where you can get feedback so your home/personal Inbox does not get flooded with SPAM. Also never ever reveal deeply personal info about yourself. There are millions of great people online but there are some who are down right scary and you would not want these folks knocking at the door of your house! It is really fun to set up a web page. Start simple, you can always add flair later. If you try to do it all right from the start it can be over whelming. Also keep in mind a page full of sounds, fancy animated graphics and intense colors can be a bit much for people to look at as well as being really slow for people who still have dial-up to load. If it takes too long to see, most people just go somewhere else. Visit as many similar sites as you can make a list of what you liked and did not like about those site. That is always a quick way to get a feel for what you want to do. Have fun! Websites and personal web pages can be a blast to create!!
God Luck!

marymoore by marymoore 13 Jun 2008

it would be for digitizing only thanks for info

dkjack by dkjack 14 Jun 2008

Good information. Thanks

by sqdancer 13 Jun 2008

Have done several websites for square dancing and have a family webpage. Have never done one for my embroidery or sewing though. My first sites were done on Geocities, but we have now gone to Blacksun. I have attached the link for one of the sites...Check out Geocities it might be a start for you to get some ideas on what is involved..

1 comment
marymoore by marymoore 13 Jun 2008

wow nice site thank you for info did you do your own artwork or what?

by mops Moderator 13 Jun 2008

My son have been telling me for years to start my own and start selling, hats and embroidered items. Still have not made a start. I'm curious who has actually done it. Flower for you for raising this question.

by kharriman 13 Jun 2008

I have an ISP that provides free support on starting a webpage. I've seriously been thinking of starting one for my own projects.