by vickiannette 11 Mar 2014

Do you find, as I do, that others (customers, friends and relations) cannot "see" the finished product when all they are looking at is the Prototype or UFO?


by sbott54 12 Mar 2014

Oh yes! I have the same problem. When I make something for someone on request, I find that the person can't imagine the steps required to make the item and all the decisions that must be made in the process. They tell me what they want and sometimes have a photo of it. If they show me a photo, they want the EXACT thing no matter if the fabric is available. Trying to fabric shop with her has shown me we sewers have more visual imagination. Today I am fabricing shopping with my niece for an Easter dress she wants for her daughter. Of course, there's a picture to work from but I need to draft the pattern. What fun! Really, great fun! Lol

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vickiannette by vickiannette 16 Mar 2014

Sometimes I have better communication with the younger generation! I try not to show anyone a "half" finished item as they cannot picture the end result.

by cfidl 11 Mar 2014

I struggle with it all a bit. The right design for the right colored towel with the right sentiments. I think that is why I have too many UFO's I do not want to ruin a good thing.

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vickiannette by vickiannette 16 Mar 2014

Think about colors as being either 'warm' or 'cool' and see if that helps.

by kylasm 11 Mar 2014

Oh wow. My sister is the worst at this. She cannot even imagine a font stitched out. She will pick out fonts she MAY like then expects me to make the design (in Embird) and stich it out so she can decide which she likes the most. The 3d rendering means nothing to her as does the time and supplies wasted stitching out the same words over and over. Some people are artsy craftsy and can see how things will evolve into something new some just don't get it.

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vickiannette by vickiannette 16 Mar 2014

yes, sometimes our relations think we are magic!

by rescuer Moderator 11 Mar 2014

Real Estate agents have the same issue with people viewing houses. Some people can "see" the empty house (filled with their furniture), the ruined carpet in a room -- replaced and fresh, or in our case a project in a different color or completely assembled -- while many other's cannot envision anything in their minds-eye.
I think of my ability to see fabric turn into something wonderful as a blessing and a delightful gift.

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vickiannette by vickiannette 16 Mar 2014

ah I can certainly feel for the Real Estate people, as it is much the same isn't it