by oldtimer992005 05 Mar 2014

hello cuties, i would like to thank you all for your prayers for my little doggie, but i just got a phone call saying my little baby doggie passed away. thank you all. i have nothing now and feel so all alone.


by maisiebo 08 Mar 2014

Think of all the happy memories your baby has left you to cherishis
and think of her happy and free with all the others that have gone over the rainbow bridge it does dull the heart ache a little

by jen15957 08 Mar 2014

I am so sorry for the loss of your baby dog I just saw this post. You are not alone, your in our thoughts and prayers. I loss my Dutchess 2 years ago I still get teary when I think about her, I didn't want another dog right away after all nothing could replace her. But after 3 months my son brought me another dog. Her owners could no longer keep her. She did not replace Dutchess, she is her own person. and my little baby she likes to cuddle. There are so many abandoned dogs at the shelters that really need someone to love them. When your ready please conceder adopting, I don't know where you live, or your age just going by you username but here in Rochester New York if your a senior they have dogs or cats that are older, where their owners either passed or could not longer take care of them. and they match them with seniors who don't want to have to do the potty training ,Good Luck to you, I like to think that when we pass our babies will be there to greet us . with Tails wagging and big kisses..

by annsalem 08 Mar 2014

I am so very sorry to hear of such sad news. I have been through this we lost both of our sweeties within a month of each other. I was devastated. We now have two more and they are the light in our hearts.
God Bless

by maleah 07 Mar 2014

So sorry. All dogs go to heaven . Keep the memories.

by dentalclogger 07 Mar 2014

So sorry We have lost a couple of our babies in the last few years and it sure is hard But lots of great memories and they will always be in your heart !!!!

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by gerryvb edited 07 Mar 2014

oh I'm sorry for you, I do hope you have lots of lovely memories and pictures of your baby. It's always hard to say goodbye, but he will always keep that little place in your heart . my thoughts and hugs for you.

by katydid 06 Mar 2014

I missed your earlier post , but I am so sorry. Our pets are family , too. Kay

by eyeztodiefor10 06 Mar 2014

You are so NOT alone! Our fur babies are everything to us, be they cat, dog, or birds, or whatever. Dogs are so special. They always listen and only ask for a pat or two in return. When I was 13, my Dad brought home a tiny skinny white poodle. She was left outside with no food or water tied up in the hot sun and neglected. Dad couldn't bear it so he offered the people $25 for her. I happened to be the first off the bus that day. Dad was standing in the doorway carrying a small ball of white fur. I went up and talked to her, pet her and hugged her. From that moment on she was my dog. She would not sleep in my brothers room or my sisters. She followed me everywhere I went. She just loved to be talked to and petted and seemed to hang on my every word. She was deathly afraid of the broom and my Mom said someone must have abused her with one. Through those rough teen-age years she was always there when I got home from school, always there when I went outside to play, always there to watch tv with me, always there at night to listen to me and lick my tears when I was heart broken or upset. She'd curl up into a ball and sleep under the covers with me every night. She was the best friend a person could ever ask for. She was timid and shy but for me there were kisses and tail wagging and exuberance like with no other. When I was 18, my Dad picked me up from work one day with sad news. A careless driver had done a hit and run. I was devastated to lose her and to this day she remains in my heart and this is over 40 years later. No one has ever taken her place and no one ever will.God sent her to me when I needed her the most and now I know she's waiting for me with both Mom and Dad. I feel it. She is waiting for me as your baby is waiting for you. Have faith. ( she is the one on the left in the photo)

by shozo1271 06 Mar 2014

Mountain Thread Art did a design set called the Rainbow Bridge. She has one for cats and one for dogs. I made the set into a quilt for my son and dil when we lost my Grand Dog Boxer, Otis. I am so very sorry for your pain Stella... I know it hurts, but your furbaby is in a happy place right now. I truly believe in the Rainbow Bridge. You have many friends on here that care and share in your pain.

by pennifold 06 Mar 2014

Dear Stella, I am so sorry to read this, but you are not alone. You have many friends on here who feel your pain and you can come on here anytime and have a chat. My thoughts are with you as you grieve for your beautiful King Charles Cavalier. Love Chris

by pcteddyb 06 Mar 2014

I am sorry for your loss - fur friends are just like real friends to many of us.

by tiggy000 06 Mar 2014

I am so sorry for you and do understand the loss. You are not alone and there are many of us out here thinking about you and praying for your strength to see you through this time of your grief.

by sewtired 06 Mar 2014

Each time we lose a beloved friend, they take a piece of our heart. They can't be replaced, but don't despair, there are new furry friends out there waiting to make your acquaintance when you are ready.

by sewinhuggs 06 Mar 2014

You are not alone. Because even though your very special baby isn't here in the present. he is always here in the spirit around you. We all have loss a special baby and no matter how many other fur babies comes afterward nothing can replace that one in your heart. To this day I still miss my Hercules and even though I have my Luke now, and I love him dearly, he will never replace my Herc. Anytime you ever want to show a picture or just talk about your fur baby, the cuties are here to listen and cry with you. Super, Super huggs

by my3chis 06 Mar 2014

My heart breaks for you, I too lost a sweety recently and it hurts terribly.

by basketkase 06 Mar 2014

Meg is so right about Rainbow Bridge......when I lost my Tobi 5 years ago, they got me through it......I am so sorry for your loss, anyone who has lost a furbaby knows your pain!

by pldc 06 Mar 2014

I am sooo sorry to hear of this sad loss, I do think Meg said it very well & you check out the link to Rainbow Bridge. Hugs Loralye

by dragonflyer 06 Mar 2014

Sooo very sorry...I hope that Megan's link to the Rainbow Bridge will bring you some comfort...

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by meganne edited 06 Mar 2014

I feel your pain and I know there are no words that will ease it right now.

Let your tears fall and let the pain wash over you and, as difficult as it may seem to accept, when the time is right your little dog will send you another little furry friend to help ease the pain of his passing and remember he will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

Hugs and Angel blessings, Meganne

dennis999 by dennis999 06 Mar 2014

That is truly beautiful Meganne. I had not seen the Rainbow Bridge link before..................Thank You.

meganne by meganne 06 Mar 2014

Dennis, believing it exists is all that got me through losing all three of my precious babies so close together. I know they are waiting there for me and that keeps me going, here, without them.

basketkase by basketkase 06 Mar 2014

Meg, we are cut from the same cloth, I too am a big believer in Rainbow Bridge.....I am in tears now for all of us who have lost our little ones.......

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Mar 2014

I am sad with you. Come here anytime you feel alone. Hugs

by hightechgrammy 05 Mar 2014

Oh I am so, so sorry. You are NOT alone, though. We will all ask our God to give you peace that your little dog is not suffering and comfort you. There is probably a lonely little doggie somewhere wishing for arms to embrace him and take him home... when you are ready. Hugs, Jan

by AllRaggedy 05 Mar 2014

I have been away, so I did not see your original post. I am sending you a big hug through this message. I am a doggie and pet lover in general, and know the pain you are going through. I pray that your little one is at peace. I hope that the hurt in your heart will heal soon, and that another little furry friend will come into your life. There are so many wonderful rescue doggies out there that need good homes like yours. Perhaps you might share your heart and life with one of them and give them a home to sweeten up their life and yours. We did recently, and are so happy with our new furry friend. Blessings to you dear cutie.

by justonlyme 05 Mar 2014

Having a dog can bring the greatest joy, and losing one can absolutely tear your heart out! I've lost several, and it does not get any easier!! I wish for you peace and good memories, and healing for you! Bless your little puppy for being such a friend!

by airyfairy 05 Mar 2014

Dear Stella - I am so very sorry that your little dog has passed away. I have always had dogs and this is the hardest part of all. Perhaps when you are feeling up to it maybe another little one to fill the hole in your heart? Hugs Sarah

by sewilso 05 Mar 2014

Our dog kids mean so much to us, I am so sorry you lost yours. Hopefully you can find a new friend to comfort you, I know you will never forget or can replace your baby, but a new one can be just what you need now. There are so many that need good homes.

by jrob Moderator 05 Mar 2014

I'm so very, very sorry. I wish we could each take a little piece of your sorrow away and make it hurt less for you. Sending you hugs and praying for you to feel better and remember your baby and all of the joy that comes with those memories.

by noah 05 Mar 2014

You are never alone God is as close as the whisper of his name .Please look up .Hugs Carolyn

by theduchess 05 Mar 2014

You are never alone here. There is always a hug 24/7.So sorry about your pet. .Stella

by rescuer Moderator 05 Mar 2014

I am so very sorry. It hurts so much to lose a dear fury friend -- especially when you feel so alone without them. Please know we are here for you. If you need a hug or a friend -- we are all here.
Hugs for you!

by graceandham 05 Mar 2014

I know how I feel when I lose a cat. I'm so sorry. Hang on to those good memories. Our pets give something that humans can't.

by cfidl 05 Mar 2014

I'm so sorry for your loss, and wish I were closer. I am hoping someone to love will come around for you soon.

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 05 Mar 2014

Or some doggie!

by dennis999 05 Mar 2014

I am so very sorry to hear this. Our pets are very dear to us and when we lose them it is extremely hard to bear. Remember him for all the joy and companionship that you gave each other, and above all remember that he is no longer suffering. Give yourself time to heal. Your memories of him can never be taken away and in time you may decide it is time to share your love and kindness with another lovely doggie. Stay strong.

by christracey 05 Mar 2014

Oh sorry to hear the news. I hadn't seen your original post for prayers. Remember the good times & know that you will meet again at Rainbow Bridge. Take care.

by asterixsew Moderator 05 Mar 2014

Oh how I feel for you. Have a cyber hug. It is hard and will be but try to remember all those great times that you had together. I will keep thinking positive thoughts for you dear

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asterixsew by asterixsew 05 Mar 2014

My name here was from my cat Asterix who sadly is no more so I know exactly how you feel