by teddybear117 01 Mar 2014

I want to once again thank those who replied when I needed help with clothing ideas for someone with a shoulder injury. I was so unsure of what type of clothing to even start making..although as it turns out what I had in mind was what was on sites for adaptive clothing and it put my mind at ease that I was doing the right thing. My daughter is finally going in for the surgery on her rotator cuff at the end of the month. She is so scared. She has heard so many comments behind her back from people who 'wondered why she decided to carry her baby to term.' Having her baby on Jan 3 was a blessing to her even though she tore the remaining tissue holding her shoulder during delivery. I made some suggestions and she asked me if I was trying to scare her more. I wasn't trying to scare her more. I wanted her to be look around and see how she can truly organize her house to make the coming months a bit easier before her surgery, not fighting it after. Things her sons can help her with. We read that a recliner is extremely helpful so she is looking for a reasonably priced one. I have a pattern for a boppy type thingy (looks to be larger then the store purchased ones) that I cut out yesterday so she can put it across her lap to help support the baby when she is holding her. She is so independent in her thinking having to just sit back and have others help her for a change will be the hardest thing ever for her. She is someone who when she has car problems she is out and under it doing the repairs because her husband doesn't know the first thing about the repairs she has done. She asks her brother what to do and goes out and does it.(her brother is in the auto industry) Now with the help of God she will get through this next obstacle. I can't get to Montana for several months yet to give her a hand. Finances and the weather won't allow it. I am terrified of the snow due to an accident years ago. So, I hope her family starts to realize the pillar of the family needs the help she has been so graciously giving. That again is in God's hands. Sorry to have carried on so..Hugs, Kathy from CA


by gerryb 02 Mar 2014

Tell your sweet daughter she did the right thing to wait on that baby to come into the world! THEN tell her to follow the doctor's directions, do all they tell her, & she'll recover faster! I've been there & I know. AND there will be lots of folks praying for her! Also praying you will be able to get there soon to help (and to love on that baby!)

1 comment
teddybear117 by teddybear117 04 Mar 2014

Thank you ever so much, and I will most definitely tell her.

by rescuer Moderator 01 Mar 2014

People often say the wrong thing.
I am sure it will be very hard for your daughter to sit and allow people to serve her. I do hope they step up and do all that needs to be done. It will be the best thing for all of them if they do. They will learn how to help and how to do things quickly. I had to be doctor restricted on more than one occasion. It was so very difficult for me as I am not one to ask for help. It was good for me to allow others to show they care and serve me and good for others to be given the rare chance to do something for me.
I will include your family in my prayers. Your daughter made the best choice for her darling baby! I am sure she will be blessed for it.

1 comment
teddybear117 by teddybear117 01 Mar 2014

Thank you for your prayers...she already feels blessed. What really gets to her is Pain Management doctor actually feels sorry for her. She is enjoying Serenity more each day. When we talk on the phone I hear the baby clucks and coos...sounds I never heard with my children...I want to be there for that but more so to help...if it is meant to be God will find a way.

by teddybear117 01 Mar 2014

This is a pic of Serenity at 7.5 weeks. The little sweetie her mom waited to have surgery for.

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 01 Mar 2014

Worth the wait. People say the wrongest things with the best intentions! It's great that you're still trying to advocate for her by helping her plan it all out a bit.