by michemb 07 Feb 2014


As some of you are aware, I had have health issues for sometime now and have been on medical leave from work. Well yesterday and this morning have been difficult for me. I was advised yesterday afternoon that my employer will be closing my file (I will be terminated) as of the 1st of April and although I have known for sometime that it is impossible for me to return to work it hit me like a ton of bricks. My mind has been preparing for this for at least a year but to have it be said openly just affected me in a way I so did not expect. My reaction, the pain in my heart, the emotions I am going through surprise me. I was employed there for 16 years and I guess this is just another chapter that closes in my book of life.
I had this overwhelming feeling that I was useless and kinda being thrown away. I know that isn't the case but I felt it all the same.

I was so upset yesterday and again this morning and then my sweet husband came in from work just a few minutes ago with bouquet of roses to cheer me up. Well, you guessed it, I got all choked up again.

Needless to say I haven't done anything today, cleaned up some old files, gave my ''Happy'' a day off, purchased some new designs and generally fooled in a little in this and that all day, I guess once in a way we need to do that.
I guess I just need to talk about it, advice from my SIL. Hubby says I will have to go through mourning. Go figure, the heart is fragile even when we think we are strong.
So no more feeling sorry for myself, tomorrow is another day and my new chapter will begin.
Now I have to see what my next project will be. Purchased some cute designs from Nicoles designs (she has a great sale on) and I think a baby blanket might be just the thing to make me smile again.
REST ASSURED, I WILL BE O.k. My new motto for 2014 is to be ''Happy'' like my ''Happy''.
Thanks for listening to my woahs,
hugs to all


by Shisha 22 Feb 2014

Sending hugs your way! I do have to say that after looking at your work, wow! U r amazing and I am sure this is your calling! I look forward to following you and your new projects!!! I repeat…AMAZING!!!

by askmcv 10 Feb 2014

I want to thank you, Michelle, for sharing this with us, even though you think you are just feeling sorry for yourself. There are some of us, me included, that are going through similar circumstances, and sharing your feelings does help. I know, as you do, that all will be fine, but it still hits us!
We will be okay, but better that that, God has given us more permanent time to do his work. We don't have to worry about going back to work, now!
Enjoy your free time :)

by justsew 10 Feb 2014

You have to look at it as a new chapter in your life, do not waste time on unhappy feelings, look to the future, an open door to do new and interesting things.put your feelings in the top draw then shut it up, leave your unhappy feeling in it, and go get your fantastic machine whirling.
Hugs Pam.

by stella1 10 Feb 2014

Dear Michelle, Iam so sorry about your going through, losing our position . Please dont look at the the back of the door that is closing behind you . Lift your chin heigh and looks forward to all the doors opening in the front of you. We are all thinking of you and keeping you in our heart and Prayers for your.God Bless you.Big huggies Tinkie

by dilceia 09 Feb 2014

big hug for you my friend

by virginiagran 09 Feb 2014

I would check into it a little more as I thought (and I might be wrong) is that an employer can not terminate you if you are out on disability. And if it is the case you need to check into the social programs that are available so that you could collect unemployment insurance or medical social security. Good luck

by cfidl 09 Feb 2014

Hi Michelle, Time of transition is always unsettling. You are so fortunate to have something already going that will fill up your time and before you know you will wonder where did the time go. You have Happy and there you will be Happy. I am confident of that. Best wishes on your new full-time job.

by sewist1 09 Feb 2014

I had a similar thing happen to me some years ago. It took some adjustment and I guess I felt a little guilty even though it was not my fault.
In the long run though I feel they did me a favour and I found there was another life to get into - my embroidery and craft, voluntary work etc.
You are correct - you will be O.K.

by susiesembroidery 09 Feb 2014

I am sorry for your pain that you are going through, losing your position. You are still tops and your loving and caring family just proves how valuable you are to them. Cheer up!! A new life awaits = and it will be full of special surpises - all unexpected. Enjoy your life to the full. God bless!!

by annie23 09 Feb 2014

Hang in there. It gets better every day and you will start to enjoy being home.

by tilde01 09 Feb 2014

When one door closes, another opens that is usually better for us. Sorry that this happened to you.

by yvonnevanwerkhoven 09 Feb 2014

See this as a new beginning.....more time to be creative

by katydid 08 Feb 2014

Oh, sweetie , I do not know of your health issues, but I do know we all work through them. Tomorrow is a whole new day.! Kay

by pennifold 08 Feb 2014

Michelle, I remember being at a Christian retreat over 15 years ago and they said if you want to let go of frustration, sadness, worries, or anything that is causing you grief - write down on a piece of paper all of the things you want to be removed from your life.


Watch the smoke rise into our atmosphere and just be grateful for everything you have in your life.

It's an exercise well worth doing! Love Chris

by mariagiannina 08 Feb 2014

Hugs Michelle!! Stay positive, something good will be coming your way, I'm sure! You have a great, understanding husband.

by manami 08 Feb 2014

Dear Michelle, I'm sure something good will happens to you! Your positive way to look at all these is the key for your success in whatever you do. Love and hugs, Yoriko

by sewilso 08 Feb 2014

I'm wishing you good wishes and success in everything you do, and sorry for your loss of position for so many years. Good luck Michelle always!!!

by cj2sew 08 Feb 2014

Your reaching out to the Cuties has put a big smile on my face. They are such an inspiring group and you're one of them. You helped make us all look at the chapters of our own lives and where we are. I attend a funeral yesterday where this sweet lady was burying her love of only three and a half years. She spoke of it at his funeral and shared that this was the best chapter of her life. She reminded us that she was in her 60's and she knew there were chapters still ahead. I thought that was a very good way to look at our lives. The Book of Life. We can't have all smooth sailing all the time. It is the storms that make us strong and more interesting. Tomorrow start a new chapter.

airyfairy by airyfairy 09 Feb 2014

Great words

michemb by michemb 09 Feb 2014

your right

by sewred 08 Feb 2014

I'm so sorry to hear this but am praying you'll find peace in it! Big hugs to you!

by michemb 08 Feb 2014

Thank you all so much, your words of encouragement mean so much to me. I am feeling a bit better today and have decided that I will concentrate on the good. Hey nothing wrong with being your own boss, as Meganne states, I can do what I want, when I want and with whomm I want. So I will try to spend more time here with my friends, of course I will continue to create with my embroidery. I am thankful that if something has to good it is my body and not my mind. Creating fills my heart with pride and joy so that is all GOOD.
I have been getting used to not working outside because of my health
but having it finalized struck me harder than I expected. Already I am planning my next chapter so life will be good and i will overcome or learn to live with whatever comes my way. I do not know where my condition will take me, but living one day at a time will get me to wherever I strive to go.
Ever so grateful

rescuer by rescuer 08 Feb 2014

You are a wonderful artist! You have found your real calling in life. The work you did before was just a stepping stone to help you get your Happy machine and now -- you can create and bring joy to so many other people! Enjoy this time in life!

airyfairy by airyfairy edited 09 Feb 2014

Michelle - that's the spirit. You go girl. Hugs Sarah.

michemb by michemb 09 Feb 2014

thanks so much, I will finally do want I have always wanted to do
hugs to you both

by hightechgrammy 08 Feb 2014

Michelle, hugs of understanding, dear friend. You know, it wouldn't be bad either, for you go go somewhere where you are alone, and just yell out "I'm angry!" I did that a couple of times, and it really helped me with my hurt. I didn't feel like I was angry, but I guess I was feeling hurt, and angry is right there beside it. I REALLY felt better. It's not fair where our bodies give us so many problems, especially when we have been pretty good to them. I'm a bit angry with my body, I guess.. Maybe I need to go outside and let my body know how I feel about how it is taking away some of my options, too!
Hugs, Jan

by irie2510 08 Feb 2014

God works in mysterious ways...whenever one door closes, another one opens... sending positive thoughts your way! Judy W

by rachap 08 Feb 2014

They say losing your job or being terminated is one of lifes most stressful times so be sure to mourn,grieve and be mad-THEN- you have conqured it and can move on the the next Wonderful thing lifeholds for you, who knows your wonderful embroidery projects may lead you to a whole new career! wishing all the best for you.

by ansienaude 08 Feb 2014

hi there think positive with each door that close G0D OPENS A NEW ONE and the sun will shine even brighter good luck and start stitching-medication for the mind

by mycarole 08 Feb 2014

Michelle, I need a mentor, do you want to be it? Now you have the time. My best friend is also Michelle. She lives in Vancouver and was originally from Montreal. 20 years ago, she wrote a book called "Merci pour mon cancer" while she was in Montreal and had to take early retirement, she never looked back. Now she is an interior designer, and her photos are all over the net.

by buffy1 08 Feb 2014


by bumblebee 08 Feb 2014

Your hubby is so sweet,
I'm sending hugs for the both of you.

by airyfairy 07 Feb 2014

I am so terribly sorry that this had happened - somehow it is almost worse when you are expecting it. Keep yourself busy and make time for yourself to get well. You will soon wonder how you ever had the time to go to work. Hoping to see some more of your beautiful creations soon. Love and hugs to you Michelle. Sarah.

by baldacchino 07 Feb 2014

Hi girl friend, there is life after work, you have your health and sewing, put a smile on your face every time you go out and people wonder why you are smileing ?? My husband wondered where we had the time to do all the things when we were working, now we smell the Roses and enjoy Natoure and enjoy LIFE L Sherene XXXX PS open a bottel of Bubbly and chocs

by dragonflyer 07 Feb 2014

Here's to your great success as you leave one part of your life and journey to another...remember, going forward is just another chapter in your journey...going back is just rereading where you have been...embrace the will be liberating!

by jrob Moderator 07 Feb 2014

Pop open a bottle of bubbly (or fizzy) and toast your new life of being your own boss and setting your own hours and doing the things you never had time to do. Give thanks for your health and a wonderful DH who appreciates and loves you.....just as soon as you feel that bereavement time is over and you are ready to move on.

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by meganne edited 07 Feb 2014

OH Michelle, forced retirement is never easy especially when you have been in the same work place for a long time. The people become part of you, your extended family and there is no doubt you will miss them and miss the companionship they offer every day.

But take heart girlfriend, there are added benefits to not having to get out of bed to go to work...
you can sleep until midday,
watch the daytime soaps you've been missing, (don't worry all your old friends are still there and it will only take you one episode to catch up LOL!!!),
in fact you can watch the tele-movies from the comfort of your bed if you like,
you can slop around in your pj's and slippers all day, every day,
you can see how it feels to have dreadlocks by not washing or combing your hair for a couple of months,
you can eat any time and any where you choose, (even in bed if you want),
you won't have anyone interrupting you while you are trying to savour your favourite coffee n cookies/cake/doughnuts,
HEY you won't have to SHARE your favourite cookies/cakes/doughnuts around the office any more, you can have them ALL to yourself,
you can make friends with your dust bunnies and teach them how to do tricks, (OK well that might be going a bit far, LOL!!!)
you will find so much to do at home you will never have enough hours in a day and you will wonder how you ever kept up while you were working.

(I love my dust bunnies, they follow me when I walk through the house)

Seriously though, it is a tough time and it WILL take some adjustment, but after a while you WILL start to enjoy a lot of the benefits of retirement.

My tenpin bowling partner is in the Australian Navy and after serving 40 + years, (since he was 15), he has reached the position of Lieutenant Commander, as high as he can go, and he is being forced to retire in August. He is beside himself with anxiety and grief over it because he has no option to stay in the Navy longer and he doesn't want to leave, it has been his whole life. His wife is also not happy about it and kept saying so, because in his many absences, she has made her own life. (I'm counselling both of them through this, as you would expect Mumma Meg to do :-))
I'm sharing this with you only so you can see that you are not alone, there must be thousands of people facing this life-change at any given time, but you are one of the lucky ones.... you are a WOMAN and we women are the strong ones, we are versatile and adaptable and most of us love a challenge and knowing you in particular I know you will take this in your stride and before too long you will be loving every minute you are at home.

Congratulations on your retirement girlfriend! If I was there with you, I too, would give you a bunch of roses and maybe we'd crack a bottle of Champers and a big box of chocolates and celebrate your retirement together. Hugs and much love, Meg

meganne by meganne edited 08 Feb 2014

PS. My hubby is being forced into retirement in 7 weeks, 2 days and 24 minutes, but who's counting?
I can't wait for him to be home every night. :-)

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 08 Feb 2014

Such a fun comment, Meg.

by jerrib 07 Feb 2014

I know how you feel Michelle, but now you will be able to play with "Happy" and not have to worry about going back to work. I love being retired. Its not the same, as what your going through, but you will realize life is good. You mean more to your family, friends and your customers, who love and appreciate you.. Hugs Jerri

by eyeztodiefor10 07 Feb 2014

Michelle, I can totally understand. When the doctor said I could no longer work I tried everything, even trained for a different kind of work but it didn't last. I had to give up my work family and now I have my Cute family that keeps me alive and always looking forward to whatever tomorrow might bring. Your dear Hubby is right. It really is a mourning time though you didn't know it would be. i love your positive attitude! Starting a new chapter isn't always an easy thing to do, specially if you have to stop to get your bearings now and then. Your attitude often directs the way things go so it is so important to keep your chin up and keep moving forward. You will be fine! We are here whenever you want to vent or just show us your newest project. As my Mom used to say, God never closes one door without opening another. Hang in there and keep us posted!

by highlandermom 07 Feb 2014

Michelle that is a beautiful outlook your already on your way to be happy and like it too. Lord opened a door for your new adventure before this happened with your new machine. Your on your way to a wonderful new book of wonderful chapters. ~hugs~ Mary

by pldc 07 Feb 2014

I can 100% relate to what you are going through & my hubby did exactly the same thing & the roses are sitting on my table as I type. What can I say to help............well grieve do take the time to do it, after all you were there a long time & although against your will you have been forced to "RETIRE" it will never be the same but I have indeed found that most of the time it is better. The pace is incredibly slower but the orders come in & the satisfaction you will get through this love is great! So although you are no longer working @ the same place you have re-invented yourself & now you are a first class designer, seriously savor these words because you are in fact a designer & you deserve it! remember that old song "don't worry Be happy" well like you said go for it! The best is yet to come. hugs Loralye

by oldtimer992005 07 Feb 2014

hi michelle, my heart goes out to you along with my prayers as i know just what you are going through.i am glad that you have someone to stand beside you and help you out. you also know that the cuties are here too, if you need to talk.i have been there too. all my life i worked that is all i knew. the last fourteen of my working years i worked with seniors.everything was great, right up to my 65th birthday. the next day after my birthday i was called in to the office and told i was no longer able to work there as the seniors did not like seniors looking after them.i was so shocked i could not talk.i went home and then the deep depression set in.i thought how useless and horrible i nobody liked me and did not go anywhere because i did not want people laughing at me.i kept my curtains closed and my doors locked. i thought of doing away with myself because i felt so so useless.did not answer my phone either.i moved out of there and to another town. i am a loner and still have periods of depression off and on. it still hurts to think of how much i had given of myself to my job and i know now it was not worth it cause nobody really cares. so michelle, hang in there,take care and god bless you and all the other cuties.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 07 Feb 2014

reach out to your neighbours or join a volunteer organization it will help if you know that you can still give of yourself to others! You are talented & caring individual so share that with the less fortunate. you are loved here too!

by sbott54 07 Feb 2014

My prayers are with you as you grieve for your past life. When I had my fourth stroke, I had to leave a job that was like family to me. I know what you are feeling....useless and worthless....but know that you are dear to so many people and remember that you are loved and valued for you and not what you can do. We all live with disappointment and sorrow but the joy of life is in sharing each breath with someone. I'm glad you have your husband who so evidently understands the loss you are feeling. Concentrate on the things you can do and not the limitations that you face. It's hard, I know. Hugs to you! --Sandra

by joansatx 07 Feb 2014

Bless your heart. You have lots of touchable hugs and lots from around the world. You are positive and forward-looking and peace will return to your heart. Praying, Joan

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by pennifold edited 07 Feb 2014

Hi Michelle, I think you are an amazing woman. Just look at all you achieve with your stunning embroideries. As Ann has said below, when one door closes there's always another one open to go through. Please be assured from all your friends on here that LIFE does go on and it may not be what you were expecting, but it's taken a different course in the river of life. I'm sure with all your beautiful work you can make a business of it especially with HAPPY now firmly ensconced in your sewing room. We all have days where we do little - well may not all of us as Carolyn seems to sew every day. Sometimes I sort out my files, think about sewing, and actually do some, but there is so much out there for us all to have a go at and I know with your great zest for life you will make it. Be happy, like your Happy and may you always have love in your heart and a smile on your face. Love and blessings Chris

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by noah edited 07 Feb 2014

Well i will ask God to calm your head and your heart :):)hugs Carolyn

by ribblev 07 Feb 2014

Michelle, take heart that as one door closes another opens. You are entitled to feel that you are 'surplus' at the moment but you will not allow yourself to feel like this for long. You have a creative mind so give it free reign and see what designs you create........Chin up...........Ann

by asterixsew Moderator 07 Feb 2014

Cyber hugs to you and here is to your new life