by toddanthony 26 Jan 2014

I'm in the process of making some slippers similar to these:

Mine will be plain without all those added embellishments, but I want to put some sort of embroidery design on the top over the toes area.

BUT, I'm having a terrible time FINDING any special designs made for this sort of thing. Anybody know of something?

I am thinking something cute, like "Your left" on one shoe and "Your other left" on the other shoe...things like that, but not limited to that. ANYBODY seen designs like that anywhere???



by noah 27 Jan 2014

i like what you say do that hugs

by virginiagran 26 Jan 2014

If you have embroidery software why not try making your own lettering

by lique 26 Jan 2014

Welcome here. I have not seen anything like that, maybe somebody else can help you.