by almag 05 Jan 2014

Just want to thank 'dragonflyer' and people like her who share their work of keeping up to date with the BOM sites and to let these generous ladies know that I appreciate what they do for me. Without the timely reminders I would not remember to collect the blocks and I'd have unfinished collections.

It's good to have grand plans and one day I do want to make these lovely quilts..... so, once again, Thank You, everyone who has helped me take one more step forward to achieving my goals.


by dragonflyer 06 Jan 2014

Pixie Garden is now up and complete if you haven't gotten it yet...

by dragonflyer 06 Jan 2014

Thank you so much Alma...not everyone checks the other tabs like Sewing regularly...I, like you, have plans for another day...

by rescuer Moderator 05 Jan 2014

We do have some lovely Cuties here! I appreciate all they do to help Cute be a wonderful place.