by almag 01 Jan 2014

Well, there goes Day 1 of 2014 and all I have to show for it is a group of three renegrade chooks patrolling my back yard. I moved the ISA Brown chooks from the chook house into the big dog run by one of our sheds so that I could move the two new bantam mothers, Omelette and Ham'n, and their one remaining chick each into the chook house with EB (short for Eggs Benedict) the proud father bantam rooster. The ISA chooks tried to devour all the other chickens so they had to go. They are escape artists and were free from the dog run within an hour and now I can't catch the wretched birds. I think Ferdinand the Fox will have a delicious chook supper tonight.... and serve them right for making me chase them in futile effort in pouring rain.

I had such plans for this week!!!! All my stitching gear is out and waiting to be used again - new 130 x 180 hoop I used for 21 of Kreative Kiwi's Christmas stockings, a big pile of Christmas fabrics still waiting to be used, a bigger pile of off-cuts from the stockings, oodles of stabiliser waiting to be stuck together and used again, sunshine in the sewing room each morning (except today when there's been drenching rain all day), more plans than my head could hold and enough enthusiasm to make up for the last three years of almost non-activity - and Don lands in hospital after a day in Emergency yesterday and now the rotten chooks doing a frenzied Chicken Dance on the back lawn.
See.... if I'd joined the gang who promised to stitch a design a day I'd have failed before I began.
Is this the way to begin a brand New Year????
So, here I am back with my Cutie Friends because I doubt if anyone else would appreciate the frustration I am feeling at this moment.
I'm heading to bed with my new Christmas pressie, Jody Anderson's newly published book, 'Easy Sew Jelly Roll Bags'. There I will dream and plan for another, far more productive, day tomorrow.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!


by asterixsew Moderator 01 Jan 2014

Alma thanks for the update and I am very sorry about the outcome. I hope you are able to get some sewing done. I am still excavating my sewing room and have to collect a car tomorrow so will not have much time after a 2 hour journey each way. Maybe we need a saying sewing yesterday, sewing tomorrow but never sewing today

1 comment
almag by almag 02 Jan 2014

A new car for a new year??? Your saying pretty much sums me up.

by almag 01 Jan 2014

To end the saga of the Renegade Trio.........
My dear son sauntered up the hill from his property with the little grandsons last evening to make a decent door to the dog run. While he worked hard with wire and tools, young Flynn, now 5, showed me how he would ward off the fox with an old frying pan and much loud noise and Hamish, now 9, ran errands for his Dad. A beautiful door was finished by 9 p.m. and off the working party went, Flynn still telling the valley in his fog-horn voice how he protected Nana's chooks.
This morning all was quiet and when I looked in the dog run all I found was feathers. To this minute I still do not know how the fox got into the pen, or out again, but he did his damage there and my renegade trio is no longer an issue. Sad, but true. I shed a passing tear as I tucked into two ISA Brown eggs for brekky this morning and farewelled those rough, tough, eating, egg-laying birds from my chook yard forever....

by haleymax 01 Jan 2014

You started the new year right - plenty of exercise. LOL Tomorrow the remaining chooks may be ready for the pen as they have escaped F. the Fox.

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almag by almag 01 Jan 2014

You're right about the exercise. Those chooks ran under every tree and bush, around the bantam house more times than I can count and then they were just herded gently into the dog run by my big son as though they'd been doing it forever. Well, they afforded me the best night's sleep I've had for months. There does seem to be a rainbow at the end of every chook race.

by jrob Moderator 01 Jan 2014

One word. Shotgun?

jrob by jrob 01 Jan 2014

O.K. one word isn't enough. I'm sorry I laughed....
I pray tomorrow brings sunshine and sewing and hubby getting so much better they send him home.

almag by almag 01 Jan 2014

Thankyou for the empathy and the good wishes.
Today I am free from frustration and the sun is shining.

by 02kar Moderator 01 Jan 2014

I am with you on the frustration. Can you imagine how well I could hoop a project or cut out fabric while being dizzy. I think both of us can have a pass right now. I hope your husband will be OK.

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almag by almag 01 Jan 2014

I do hope that you recover from that awful vertigo very, very soon. I'm going to try to capture some of each day just for me...... hmmm, how long will that effort last!!!

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Jan 2014

Perhaps if you put the Chicken Run DVD on they might come in and watch. Alma sounds like you have had quite a start to 2014, I can assure you it will improve. Tomorrow is but another day AND Happy New Year to you

1 comment
almag by almag 01 Jan 2014

Well, tomorrow has come and it is better. The rain has stopped and my bantam house is peaceful again.

by graceandham 01 Jan 2014

Bless your heart. I know how frustrated I got yesterday simply because DH arranged/ required my presence away from home 7 hours during a day of Designs by SICK free hourly giveaways. Aargh!

If I were you, I'd have had CHICKEN for dinner!

1 comment
almag by almag 01 Jan 2014

Ha!!! Ferdinand, and his cousin, Reynard, both had a New Year's Day chicken dinner party last night.