by shuede 06 Dec 2013

Thank you so much, sjm65 from Grahamstown, South Africa, AND vickiannette from Elliston, South Australia! Your incredible letters, pictures, brochures, rhino pattern, and special African jungle beans arrived safely, and the children got to learn all about your countries today when the teacher read your letters! I can't wait until this evening when I have some time to sit down and read through everything myself! From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much, dear Cuties!! xx Denise


by sjm65 08 Dec 2013

You had such a wonderful idea, asking the Cuties to help. I had such fun putting things together for your daughter and her class. This is such a wonderful way for children to learn! In fact, I feel it was an honour to be able to tell the children a little about the beautiful country I am proud to call my home. Perhaps my letter will inspire one of them to one day travel here and experience the beauty of South Africa for themselves. So I would like to say thank you to you, Denise, for asking. ♥ Sharon ♥

by marjialexa Moderator 07 Dec 2013

I think this is just the coolest thing, what a great idea!! I believe the kids will connect so much better with what they are learning about these places because they are coming from real people that know someone they know, it makes it so much more personal than a textbook. The teacher gets a gold star from me, for sure. And the Cuties, well, they're the best!!! Hugs, Marji

by jrob Moderator 06 Dec 2013

Cuties are the BEST!

1 comment
shuede by shuede 06 Dec 2013

Absolutely! xx Denise

by cfidl 06 Dec 2013

I bet you are having a blast! Are we going to see a summary of all this?

1 comment
shuede by shuede 06 Dec 2013

I'd be happy to share if each Cutie agrees to it! (I do think everyone would really enjoy seeing the pictures and reading the letters!) xx Denise