by memasanders 13 Nov 2013

Well ladies I'm off and running. Scrammbling as always for the grands Christmas gifts. Trying to work on adding to each ones quilts from 2 years ago. This past year with all the accidents and illnesses. I'm just glad we're all together.

Still it's a little hard to explain to the littlest ones about Santa's finances Just say a little prayer that the judge doesn't charge the whole $178.00 for the my very first speeding ticket ever. I'm 58 and never got one until now, timming is awful. But life goes on. God Bless all


by pennifold 13 Nov 2013

Hi Ronny, I pray that the Judge will be lenient with you. If you write a letter explaining the circumstances I am sure they will understand. I hope you get all of your Christmas gifts done for the grands. Hope all is well in every other part of your life too. Love always Chris

by jrob Moderator 13 Nov 2013

Usually they will let you slide a bit since you have never had a ticket before. I'd just be really contrite and apologetic and promise to never, never speed again. I will certainly ask the Big Judge to call this in your favor. ;)

by 02kar Moderator 13 Nov 2013

What a year. I hope the judge is lenient since it is your first offense.