by basketkase 12 Nov 2013

Project "Catch the Kittens" is underway....we have a very fertile female who has dropped 2 litter on us in the past 5 months. She is feral and of course, so are the kittens. We caught the 3 older kittens Sunday and Monday night and will pick them up tonight after they are fixed....all 3 were girls, can you imagine the kitty explosion?? This group is about 5 months we have Momma and 2 more babies to get, the babies are about 8 weeks old........We have a cage set up in the garage with their food, water, litter and a heat lamp plus some towels to snuggle in....we will keep them about a week then release them....anyone familiar with this program knows what we are is called TNR

(trap, neuter, release) Wish us luck getting Momma, as she is very illusive!!


by marjialexa Moderator 13 Nov 2013

Thank you so much, Vicki, I know this is a hard job, not only physically but emotionally. But at least they will have their lives, and won't keep adding to the population explosion! You're so good to do this for them, and I'm glad you have a TNR program there. I hope you can somehow get a hold of the Mom, then she can have a life, too, without the physical burden of kittens all the time. I know a place I refuse to name, where they had a feral problem, and just started rounding up and shooting. Lord help anyone's cat who got out accidentally that day. Human beings are the most cruel, vicious creatures on the earth sometimes, wonder how they can sleep at night? Thanks for all you do for the little ones. Wish I were closer, I'd help. Hugs and love, Marji

by hightechgrammy 12 Nov 2013

Wow, Vicki, what a great task before you! She is quite fertile too! I hope you get a break on the spaying cost! I never ever see a feral cat here, but we do have foxes and owls. Some friends found an "abandoned" litter of 7 kittens and ended up adopting the whole littler! Oh, I do hope you can catch them all! Prayers for success! Thank you so very much for doing this! Hugs, and Meows, Jan

by bevintex 12 Nov 2013

I hope by now they have all been rounded up. But I know it's a never ending job,there is always just one more. Thank you for doing this for the kitties

by katydid 12 Nov 2013

I love animals also, but I had to call Animal Control to pick up my little black garage kitty. I was good to him all summer and fed him and tried to make him a pet but he beat up on all the neighborhood cats and my neighbors stated to complain and I had a hard time going out side and coming back in as he would tty to claw me because he wanted attention. I had my foot and leg clawed up more than once. It is very hard to tame a wild cat. My friend at the vets office has been feeding one for 10 yrs and has never picked him up. I don't have that much patience. Kay

getEdited - SELECT
by capoodle edited 12 Nov 2013

I've had very good luck with sardines. Cats or dogs are very attracted to that smell. Someone told me I couldn't make friends with a local cat and all I did was pop a can of sardines and we were fast friends. Good luck catching the mamma cat. Our son just had their third rescue cat neutered.

by ajmmjs 12 Nov 2013

i love you so much for this. i used to do this at the house down the dirt road from me. the people kept feeding and letting them have babies,then moved!!!!! so i stepped in and caught a bunch of them for this program. thanks bunches! lynne

by rescuer Moderator 12 Nov 2013

A can of Tuna may work...always worked for our feral kitties -- even the Huge Tom cats.
Hugs to you for all your work.

by 02kar Moderator 12 Nov 2013

Best wishes to you and the cats. PM sdrise (Suzanne). She knows all there is about TNR and can give you some tips. Blessings to you for going the extra mile for these creatures.

by zoefzoef 12 Nov 2013

oh, I can imagine all the hassle you are having, but also the fun of those little friends walking around and making noise. I know you will do a great job. If I lived closer to you I'd probably came over to have a look.
Take care of them !

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 12 Nov 2013

They are so pretty!! I wish we had room in the house to take them in, but with 6 rescues inside already, we would be considered borderline hoaders...LOL!

by jrob Moderator 12 Nov 2013

Thomas Jefferson said, I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. Seems to me you have done the hard work, so I'm wishing you SUCCESS! Thank you for what you do. I truly appreciate it.

basketkase by basketkase 12 Nov 2013

In fact the first one we caught had a wound on her leg, and it had abscessed, so we paid extra for her to get a 2 week slow release antibiotic injection......

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 12 Nov 2013

I bet you had a hard time not bring her home.......

by noah 12 Nov 2013

ok wowwwwwwwwww here we just call the catcher and they come do all the work lol hugs

basketkase by basketkase 12 Nov 2013

If I did that, they would be considered unadoptable and put down, due to the fact they are feral......this way it gives them the chance to have a life......we have cat houses around our property with straw in them for the kitties to live in or shelter in......we also have 3 feeding is a lot of work, but very rewarding!

noah by noah 12 Nov 2013

oh i see now :0:0