by 10tje 07 Oct 2013

Hello everyone,

Besides my website I now have a blog.
I want to go up. Some fun, creative ideas
The patterns and pictures just keep on my website.
Have a good time

Greetings 10tje


by 10tje 10 Oct 2013

I have another update posted on my blog. But who wants to stay informed, may lower left to sign up, then you stay informed automatically.
Also I'm still working on my website. I do this just extra.
Here I can include posting easy fast or even share a description.
a website is just a bit more complicated. Bye and greetings ☼10tje ☼

by eyeztodiefor10 08 Oct 2013

LOve it! Wish I could see the pictures of your show set up more closely, I want to see it all!!! LOL. Post again when you add to the blog so I don't miss anything and the translater worked just fine! Wonderful blog!

1 comment
10tje by 10tje 08 Oct 2013

If you click on the picture you can see them better.

thank you very much greetings 10tje

by dailylaundry 08 Oct 2013

Well done!!! You are industrious to do a blog too! Love your stuff!!! Hugs to you, Laura*

1 comment
10tje by 10tje 08 Oct 2013


by 02kar Moderator 08 Oct 2013

Thanks for all you are doing to make your website a good one

1 comment
10tje by 10tje 08 Oct 2013

Thank you very much

by 10tje 07 Oct 2013

There is a translator on, it will not always be well translated, you know at least a bit of what it's about.