by mnladyus 04 Oct 2013

I see these beautiful bags being made.. "Bags for underwear". Am I missing something at my old age... Do people actually keep their underwear in bags? LOL.. Don't get me wrong here, I love all the bags, they are beautiful, I just don't get the "keeping underwear" in a bag thing.


by muffy 05 Oct 2013

This talk about undies brought back a memory...did anybody else have undies with the days of the week embroidered on them...LOL. I remember having them in High School and thinking they were so special.
Muffy :)

noah by noah 05 Oct 2013

yes and pretty colors too:):)

marjialexa by marjialexa 09 Oct 2013

Hate to admit it, because it really dates me, but yes, in High School, and yes, Carolyn, each was a different color, too, hee hee hee.

by almag 05 Oct 2013

Well......... when I was young..... :} ...... ladies did keep their smalls in little bags. Hankies in little bags, stockings in little bags, other unmentionables in little bags - you think of it and there'd be a little bag for the safe keeping of same. The lingerie in those days could be very, very delicate and beautiful. I even had a little bag for the purpose when I was a teenager to hold my one and only lingerie set of vest, panties and petticoat. Then I grew and grew and grew and a bag worth holding two or more 'smalls' was no longer viable since it wouldn't have fitted in the drawer. I'm guessing that the lingerie bags being made these days would be able to hold all sorts of 'smalls' as undies have become smaller and smaller but they'd be most useful for those 'all-straps-and-not-much-else' thongy things, wouldn't they.

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 09 Oct 2013

Oh, Alma, I'm just imagining a bunch of thongs getting all tangled up in one bag, hee hee hee. Maybe a bag for each one, so you don't get Gordian knots in your drawers (pun intended).

by theduchess 05 Oct 2013

I just went thru my stash and found this. Now I too will make some bags for Christmas.

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kylasm by kylasm 05 Oct 2013

I love fabrics like this, very cute

by theduchess 05 Oct 2013

In my day(go ahead and laugh) women always had a lingerie bag for their hosiery as they were expensive. This prevented snags and when traveling you had your unmentionables in a private bag. Today you could still enjoy the bags in your home for special items or for when traveling. In a hotel you can keep your jewelry or money hidden in the bag under a jacket or blouse. It would only look like an hanger. I always take a plastic bag for the used items and mark it as such keep the airport lines moving faster. Besides you can always just add potpourri bags and add fragrance to the closet.

by jrob Moderator 05 Oct 2013

They would be most convenient while traveling as baggage handlers go through everything. But, I imagine if you put nasty underwear on top of your luggage they'd leave it alone!

1 comment
spendlove by spendlove 05 Oct 2013

I had all of my luggage emptied out at Dar Es Salaam airport. We were on our way home after a fortnight on safari so all of my clothes were nasty! They still went through everything. That will teach me not to be at the front of the queue!

by spendlove Moderator 05 Oct 2013

I'm with you - I just don't get it!

by justonlyme 05 Oct 2013

Maybe for gifting? Like bridal shower or some such thing? I sure got a lot of tiny undies at my shower.

by aussiequilter 05 Oct 2013

maybe they are for putting your undies in to wash them ,I use them for my bra's all the time ,although not as pretty are the ones our cutie friend makes

by airyfairy 05 Oct 2013

I can remember my mother using 'lingerie' bags to keep her frillies in, way back in the 1950s. They were always beautifully embroidered by hand of course. Sarah.

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muffy by muffy 05 Oct 2013

Frillies...LOL I love that!!!!
Muffy :)

by queenofhearts 05 Oct 2013

I might use one for in a suitcase for underwear I've worn but a ziplock bag works just as well.

by marjialexa Moderator 04 Oct 2013

I don't think there's any "right or wrong" answer to this question. Travel, certainly, maybe one for clean and one for used. Might also hang one on the side of the laundry hamper, or a hook in my closet, that way expensive lacy stuff wouldn't be mixed in with grass stained jeans or snagged on zippers or the assorted screwdrivers and other tools men leave in their pockets. Now, I'm 65 now, and the onliest reason I even wear bras, which I hate, is because it's very inconvenient when I trip over my____well, you know how it is. But when I was 25 and 30, and spend really top dollar for good looking, well-fitting bras which would also impress the DH, I'd use a lingerie bag even in the drawer, because occasionally the doggone drawer had a splinter come from somewhere and snag a $40 bra--not a happy camper! As an afterthought, I'd put some different design on the bags and use them for shoes. Travel, shoes wouldn't get other clothing dirty. To the gym or the Y, in the winter you wear boots, so shoes go in gym bag. A bag would keep them from getting damp from the towel you wrap your wet suit in because you always forget to take a plastic bag for it, because you're getting up there, and even forget what you went into the next room for, right? Course, then you'd probably forget the shoe bag, too, and maybe even the bathing suit, hee hee hee. Have fun with more ideas, hugs, Marji

justonlyme by justonlyme 05 Oct 2013

Thank you! I can SO relate to your comment that I was laughing till I cried. :)

jrob by jrob 05 Oct 2013

Marji, you are hysterical, my friend!

by kylasm 04 Oct 2013

We always called them lingerie bags. If you had very special set, like a bridal/honeymoon set, you might store it in a lingerie bag to protect it from pulls or snags and to keep it together. Anything delicate that you would not hang on a hanger or if you are so modest that you wouldn't want someone to see it hanging in your closet , you put in a lingerie bag. Of course there are bags for dirty laundry too when traveling again this would keep your nice things from snags from a zipper from another garment and so forth.

by bevintex 04 Oct 2013

A Cutie who does a lot of these is in another country,maybe it is a norm in her part of the world,I know I don't have a underwear bag. But they are pretty.

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noah by noah 05 Oct 2013

You don't ???well Bev. make yourself one .Just one!!What would it hurt lol hugs

by pldc 04 Oct 2013

I thought they were for your undies after you have worn them so you can keep them in a bag? This is for travelling of course. Is this wrong too?

getEdited - SELECT
by muffy edited 04 Oct 2013

I think I might use them if I traveled and wanted to put them in something pretty for my luggage. feel lucky if I have time to get them washed and stuffed in a drawer...LOL
Muffy :)