by minicow 04 Jun 2008

I love the ITH bowls/baskets but need instructions re sewing them- Cuties to my rescue please- thanks

minicow from Downunder


by shirlener88 06 Jun 2008

minicow, I see you have your answer, here. If you have not gotten your bowl/basket/doily made and you have any questions - please feel free to email me as I have made so many of these - I could do it with my eyes closed. *4U

by minicow 05 Jun 2008

thankyou my Cuties family- I was a tad unsure but will now attempt making a bowl or two or three- who knows they may end up as Chrissy presents for my mob
minicow and flowers for all

by shirleysisson 05 Jun 2008

Jrob has explained very well. I agree with lbrow - she deserves something special. She always gives us tiaras, maybe we should crown her the queen of 'Cute'. *4U

by lbrow 04 Jun 2008

jrob to the rescue as usual she answ. your ques. * did a very good job. We need to make her a super cape or something. Seriously minicow hope u were rescued *4U

by clawton 04 Jun 2008

Try at Embroidery Library. They have lots of directions. Also some sites also download directions with the patterns. Shirlene had done many of them so maybe she will come to your rescue.

by jrob Moderator 04 Jun 2008

Well, technically they are not in the hoop. That would be something that you literally sew all components for in the one hoop and then turn it outside in and it's done. The bowls/baskets are free standing lace that you take for instance 4 sides and one bottom and put together with a satin stitch. You generally use 2 pieces of heavy Water soluable stabilizer hooped together and use the same thread in the bobbin as is on top. Be sure that the design that you pick is specifically labled FSL or free standing lace because some of these are designed to be sewn on organza or lace or some sort of fabric. Hope this helps ;)

by dlonnahawkins 04 Jun 2008

I am not certain what the ITH bowls/baskets are, can you explain that to me?

minicow by minicow 04 Jun 2008

ITH - in the hoop - the bowls/baskets have sides and bottoms that are sewn in separate hoopings- what I'd like to know is how many layers of WSS/stiffners should I use and any tips in sewing these

dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins 04 Jun 2008

Thanks - learned that one today - Glad jrob got back to you.