by askmcv 08 Aug 2013

Just a huge "thank you" to all you wonderful cuties for thinking of me and keeping me in your prayers.

I am quite well, considering. Although very weak because of the chemo, I am generally well.
I even manage to do a little sewing sometimes...I think that what I miss the most! And of course, shopping!
This pic was taken last week with my one-year-old grandson, Jack.
God bless you all.


by noah 09 Aug 2013

May God be with u hugs Carolyn

by cfidl 09 Aug 2013

That is so precious! Blessings to you!

by crafter2243 Moderator 09 Aug 2013

Glad to see you and of course love the picture of you and your grandson. I hope for nothing but good days for you.

by toet 09 Aug 2013

Claire you look great, and Jack is such a cutie, big hugs.

by pennifold 09 Aug 2013

So great to see you Claire. Love your hair! And what a lovely picture of you and Jack. The beautiful green knitted rug behind you is that called Feather and Fan pattern? God's blessing on you and keep well. Love Chris

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 09 Aug 2013

Yes it is Chris, I am working on #7 of 9 of the same pattern. So easy, but looks so complicated. Hugs Jerri

by airyfairy 09 Aug 2013

You look absolutely great. So good to have you here again. Hugs Sarah

by chenille 08 Aug 2013

Great picture! Nice to see you back!
Hugs and ongoing prayers, Nadyne

by jerrib 08 Aug 2013

Good to see you looking so well. I love what you did to your hair.
I have been making the same pattern afghan as what is behind you. I am #7 of 9.
Your GS looks like he is happy to be with his Grandma....

by sqdancer 08 Aug 2013

A wonderful picture Claire - glad you are coming along - one day at a time my friend ... are you around the Montreal area ? Thought I remembered you were in that area, but then the memory isn't always to be believed lately... Hugs and continue on the road to good health...Hugs Glenda x0x0x0

1 comment
askmcv by askmcv 20 Aug 2013

I live in Moncton, New Brunswick

by haleymax 08 Aug 2013

Claire, like the road to Grandma's house gets shorter as we get older may your trip to wellness get shorter with each passing hour. I can understand some of what you have been through with the chemo. I pray for more strength and stamina for you. May each day be filled with the little things make each day a joy. Love and Hugs, Maxine

by grossfamilie 08 Aug 2013

The joy and love inside your family will help you to get well soon. Best medicine is to be seen in the lovely photo - your adorable little grandson!! Wishing you well and praying for you - Maria

by gerryvb 08 Aug 2013

thank youi for sharing this lovely photo! God bless you too, hugs and prayers for you !

by 02kar Moderator 08 Aug 2013

What a treasured moment among the hard work of healing. Save your energy for healing. Keep us informed when you are up to it.

by dailylaundry 08 Aug 2013

Sweeeeet pic!! Handsome fella! Feel stronger every day! Hugs, Laura*

by jrob Moderator 08 Aug 2013

Happy times, Claire! He is so adorable. I know you like him a little bit.;)