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by devon ( edited 30 Jul 2013 ) 30 Jul 2013

Need some prayers, My nephew and his wife are having their 3rd baby (boy this time). They have two girls, baby is due Dec. 1st and he is trying to come now. He would be 1lb 2oz. Please that they and stop the baby and wait has long as they can. Thanks everyone. DeVon

PS here is a photo


by sdrise 05 Aug 2013

Prayers going out now! Suzanne

by airyfairy 02 Aug 2013

Hope that baby is still staying in place so he can grow some more. Hugs to you DeVon.

by pennifold 02 Aug 2013

Great shot of the baby. I hope all goes well and that she can delay having it this early. Love Chris

by camylow 02 Aug 2013

Both of my nephews were born early weighing under 2 lbs...They are 16 and 13 now...a little on the small side, but their mother is tiny anyway...Prayers and hugs...deanna

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Aug 2013

Please keep us informed.

by jrob Moderator 31 Jul 2013

Adding my prayers for this little one.

by debswebster 31 Jul 2013

I pray that the Lord will guide the Doctors and that all will be well with mother and child.

by zoefzoef 31 Jul 2013

prayers send..

by joansatx 31 Jul 2013


by gerryvb 31 Jul 2013

let's pray everything goes well.

by 02kar Moderator 31 Jul 2013

All are added to my prayers. Here is a little something to give you comfort. I have a great nephew born at 6 1/2 months weighing 1 pound 7 ounces. He just turned 6 years old and is doing just fine. Please keep us informed

by mary51 31 Jul 2013

Prayers are sent! Asking our Lord to keep the baby in till full term. For the mother to rest as much as she can.

by cfidl 31 Jul 2013

Prayer for baby and Mom and their good health.

by capoodle 31 Jul 2013

Praying that he has more time to get closer to full term.

by graceandham 31 Jul 2013

Am praying now.