by bikermomfl 30 Jul 2013

H E L P ! I have a question for you, the darling 3 part blocks on Designs by Sick. It is calling for 30 or more thread changes. Is this design a 'in the hoop' type design? When I tried to look at it in embroidery layout it looks like a single row of 1 color, then 1 row of the next color. Almost like adding fabric changes? Not sure - has anybody done these yet? Thanks in advance.....


by haleymax 30 Jul 2013

Good question. The answer has helped me to understand how to complete these blocks that I have collected.

by lique 30 Jul 2013

I think you are talking about the crazy quilt blocks. There are lot of colour changes because of placement and attachment lines. You need to think about it as applique. The first line is stitch on the back ground, then you place a piece of material on top and stitch the attachment line. I then cut the material off as close as possible to the attachment line. You continue adding pieces of materials till the whole square is covered with your choice of materials. Then the embellishments are added. They are great fun to do and the greatest fun is choosing the right materials. I have made one my self (own design) and absolutely loved it. Good luck.

cfidl by cfidl 30 Jul 2013


bikermomfl by bikermomfl 30 Jul 2013

wow thanks, sounds like just the ticket, wish me luck.......

by spendlove Moderator 30 Jul 2013

Could you give a link to the actual design so we can see it?

bikermomfl by bikermomfl 30 Jul 2013

they were freebies off and on, let me try and find a link, hang on . . . . . . .

bikermomfl by bikermomfl 30 Jul 2013

ok try this ...

spendlove by spendlove 31 Jul 2013

I agree with Lique - the colour changes are simply to stop the machine.