by toet 29 Jul 2013

I have been trying to retrieve items lent sometime ago, for patchwork, I am in need of these not so cheep tools now. I am not getting anywhere, what would you do?


by joansatx 29 Jul 2013

Since you've already asked and asked for them--- I would go to the person's house and just ask for the items while I wait at the door for them to get them. Kindly, "I need my things for ____ (whatever). Thank you." Easier than waiting and wondering from a distance. I now know to always permanently put my name on things as a reminder and proof. (always if attending a class!) I hope if I ever have kept something, my friends would remind me. I take their hugs seriously!
I have had things travel out of Texas without a word.

by rachap 29 Jul 2013

You could ask nicely, telling them exactly what they borrowed ie. MY long ruler and MY rotary cutter. Then, say, " I will drop by tomorrow and pick them up, what time would be convienent?" .don't let them put you off for more than a day or so or you will have lost and probably will nevewr see your items again. Good luck.

by mnladyus 29 Jul 2013

I don't loan out my stuff anymore just for that reason. If someone need to use something I have, they can come here and use it, but it does not leave the property. I learned many years ago...some people have no respect for other peoples things, or care if they return it. I once borrowed a friend 300.00. She said she would pay me back 100.00 per month. After 6 months of non payment, I asked her about it and that was the last time we spoke to each other, and she made me feel like the bad guy for asking. Hope you get your things back.

by tamtam 29 Jul 2013

I also have lent many things to someone, & never got it back. I hate it when someone thinks they inherit your property, just because they asked to "borrow" it. This is your property!, by golly you have a right to get it back, & in the same condition it was lent to them! Come right out & tell them you lent it in good faith, & you need it back NOW. Good Luck to you, & hope you get your stuff back soon!! Hugs, Tammy

by spendlove Moderator 29 Jul 2013

I forget who I've lent things to there is no hope for me! Good luck.

by shirley124 29 Jul 2013

I have learnt not to loan things having also had trouble getting them back in the past. Ask nicely and if that does not work demand they give them back as you cannot do the work you need to do without them. Lets hope that will work. Hugs Shirley

by eyeztodiefor10 29 Jul 2013

I'd ask politely then never lend another thing to anyone. Sometimes people forget you lent them things and they actually believe it's theirs. Good Luck.