by justonlyme 24 May 2013


Perhaps someone out there in Embroidery Land can give me a suggestion. I've been going crazy with all of the stress at home, so I got a sitter for my husband (he has Alzheimer's), put my mother-in-law's estate work aside, paid all of my bills, and took a little vacation. I packed my embroidery machine and computer. I managed about one hour of embroidery after getting a whole night's sleep before my machine quit on me. It will sew alright, but as soon as I load a design and hit go, the thread binds up, stretches until it breaks and then I get to clean out my machine. I've tried taking my machine apart to get any errant threads out of there, loaded a different design, put in a fresh bobbin, changed brands of thread and even went and bought a new package of needles. NONE of these efforts have had any positive impact. If you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it!!!
Thank you!! Deanna


by susiesembroidery 25 May 2013

I am also in the same boat as you and some of our other Cuties. Sometimes one just have to have some extra rest. Min insists to bath at 12.00 at night - so I don't get a chance to go to bed early.Please take care of yourself and rest as much as possible. God bless you and your DH.

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justonlyme by justonlyme 26 May 2013

I had no idea. Why do we keep this to ourselves?? This isn't a road that we travel easily, and knowing that others have traveled it or are also making the journey would be incredibly comforting!

by basketkase 25 May 2013

Bless your heart, Deanna......yes, go knit, when the machine acts up it only adds to the stress.......I have a twin to your machine...difficult since birth..LOL! Take care, dear!!

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justonlyme by justonlyme 26 May 2013

Thank you so much!!
I absolutely believe the "twin" thing!!! I'm beginning to think that some of these machines have "birth defects" about which we are expected to be understanding. :)

by jobaby 25 May 2013

What a wonderful group!!! We share, not only stitching knowledge, but also concerns and support. It is amazing how many of us are caring for a loved one with dementia. Perhaps sharing the knowledge will not make the problem go away but somehow it helps to know you are not the ONLY ONE. Justonlyme is on the right track by taking a few days off and I cannot help with the machine problem but am glad she can knit.
I have learned that if I stitch for about an hour before going to bed, my blood sugar is lower in the morning that if I read, watch TV or do some other leisure activity.
Hope the machine is fixed soon.

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justonlyme by justonlyme 26 May 2013

I have been pleasantly surprised at the positive response I've received. I was having my own little meltdown when I posted my message.
That is very interesting about your blood sugar change as a result of taking some "me" time Perhaps doctors should be prescribing that instead of medications!!!

by arlene 25 May 2013

i believe the machine says you need some rest. enjoy your vacation.relax. prayers for you

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justonlyme by justonlyme 26 May 2013

I believe you might be right. Thank you for your kind words!

by edithfarminer 25 May 2013

I agree with all. someone up there was trying to give you a message. Have a rest! I am sure your machine will be repaired, but hope you will try to have a siesta instead for a few days. Hugs from Edith

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justonlyme by justonlyme 26 May 2013

Thank you! I'm going to try. An "away" opportunity may not present itself again any time soon!

by crafter2243 Moderator 25 May 2013

Wow Deanna you have a lot on your plate. Maybe your machine was trying to give you a message. REST not every minute has to be productive. I hope the repair of the machine isn't going to be to expensive and you found something enjoyable to do instead. .

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justonlyme by justonlyme 26 May 2013

My machine is still under warranty, so it won't cost anything other than the time and patience of waiting for it. I turn to sewing for relief of stress. I took it in yesterday, and they said they are backed up, so it will be at least June10 before it is back again. While it is gone, I"m going to see if I can remember how to knit. :)

by haleymax 25 May 2013

What a generous person you are. I understand exactly where you are coming from with all the stress. Perhaps you might get out and take a walk, weather permitting, in a place where you don't usually get a chance to go. Plan some time with a friend, not structured visit, but one that you can go or stay as you feel like doing. We had to place my MIL in extended care because I couldn't care for her (Alzheimer) and care for my sister at the same time. I'm glad that we were able to find a place that she is comfortable. Maybe you have someone, family or friend or church member, that might come and spend time with your husband while you work on other things. This will relieve some of the pressure as you work. Love, hugs and prayers, Max

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justonlyme by justonlyme 26 May 2013

You are so kind. My son came to my assistance this time. He dropped everything to help me load up the whole embroidery package in the car and we took it to the shop, AND he took me out for lunch afterward! He also dropped what he was doing to go stay with his dad for a few days so I can have a little bit of down time. My mother in law just passed away, and my husband does not retain that memory. So this is something that he has to experience over and over again. I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps I'm reaching the far edge of my ability to care for my husband at home. Alzheimer's is truly a thief of a disease, isn't it?
Thank you for the suggestions. I think getting out for a daily walk, weather permitting or not, would be very rewarding!

by 02kar Moderator 25 May 2013

I agree with everyone. Rest, and recharge your batteries. Blessings on you for shouldering all of your challenges.

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justonlyme by justonlyme 25 May 2013

:) Thank you.

by asterixsew Moderator 25 May 2013

Deanna I can offer no help at all but I am commenting that I have read what you have written. I hope that you are able to get your machine sorted soon. Annie has given wonderful advice, she always does. Enjoy your break minus your embroidery and are able to return home refreshed

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justonlyme by justonlyme 25 May 2013

Thank you! I will do that!

by noah 24 May 2013

yes take a rest and i will pray for renewed strengh for u and lots of get up and go hugs Carolyn

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justonlyme by justonlyme 25 May 2013

Thank you!! I really appreciate that!!

by rescuer Moderator 24 May 2013

I am with Annie on this one...
However, if you need this as a part of your get away -- then check your bobbin case for burrs. It is possible that during transit your machine ended up with what I call a hairball. A chunk of thread "dust" that settles in -- sometimes in the top thread path and other times in the bobbin area.
I suggest you grab some chocolate and a good book or a movie...

justonlyme by justonlyme 25 May 2013

My machine has a knack for the self destruct mode. It has been a challenge since the day it was born. But it is dead now, so I may take your suggestion of a movie and perhaps some knitting. Thank you for the encouragement!!

rescuer by rescuer 25 May 2013

I am sorry your machine must visit the repair shop. Perhaps it will return to work renewed and refreshed as I hope you will be when you return to the many responsibilities you face night and day.
Whatever you do -- make it wonderful for you!

by eggyannie 24 May 2013

may be .just may be this is some ones way to say JUST REST!
As sole carer for my hubby i understand fully the energy needed and the way it saps your strength and no matter how much you love the person there are times when you just need to get away and recharge life's batteries.( Last week hubby decided to clear our a draw while i was out shopping and burnt the logbook and MOT for my tiny motor home)
i Did the same as you have in March and disappeared for three whole days.
So just lie back and nap and read or go and do something totaly different and out of the ordinary. I came back with wonderful nails and a new head of hair.
Rest my friend and watch the world go by. I know its hard but chill out and forget about work for a while.
Hugs and kisses. annie

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justonlyme by justonlyme 25 May 2013

Thank you for the encouragement on a global scale!! I had no idea that others here had similar challenges. Perhaps our creativity comes from that intense need to give order to chaos!
My machine gave up the ghost this evening, so I'll be finding something else to do for the evening. Thank you for your encouragement. Good luck with your own challenges. I wish YOU the best in this journey!!

by greysewist Moderator 24 May 2013

Sounds like it was about time you took a break -good on you. You can't care for others if you don't care for yourself. The thread is nesting in the bobbin case, or on top of your work? The usual thing is if it's under the plate, look at the top, tension guides etc, or if on top, look beneath. If you've transported the machine from home are you using the cone of thread in the same way? i.e feeding from being placed on the table behind the machine or do you usually use a thread stand etc? Are you using similar stabilisers to what you would at home, too? Tried a design from the machine's built in designs? I hope something 'clicks' and it all comes out right. Enjoy your break You deserve it.

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justonlyme by justonlyme 25 May 2013

It was nesting underneath. But then the screen started blinking and the machine started rebooting itself over and over till I finally pulled the plug. I'll be visiting the shop tomorrow, and will get to wait 2 weeks for repair. Thank you for your suggestions.

by KCowden 24 May 2013

I really wish I could help you, but I have no clue....maybe it is just something simple!

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justonlyme by justonlyme 25 May 2013

Thank you. It wasn't simple. The broken thread was the tip of the iceberg. The whole machine died. I'll be taking it in for repair tomorrow. :(