by irenewayne 20 May 2013

I just downloaded a gorgeous snowflake with the letter D in the middle from youembroidery. It was done by nicolina. Anyone know if there were other letters to this & if so where are they located?

TIA Irene


by powagrl 22 May 2013

Here is the pack. They are also available as individual letters. Look under alphabets on pages 28-30.

by irenewayne 20 May 2013

thank you

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 May 2013

You are welcome

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 May 2013

It looks as if she is selling the other letters for $-.50 a piece. Under the design in Youembroidery she is posting a website. I went there, but could not find the pack, but when you click on the individual letter the design will show up.