by rsloan 05 May 2013

Here is a Native American design (EmbLib a7971 Eagle Spirit) I made on an olive colored Tshirt. Turned out great but was probably a bit dense for tshirt material. But, I love it anyway.


by waterhedgie 06 May 2013

I also have this design and my son wanted it on a black T-shirt with Mylar behind it. He picked out different colors, I love the colors you used. Turned out very nice.

1 comment
rsloan by rsloan 08 May 2013

Thank you -- I love "playing" with all the possible color combinations. I bet he loved his too.

by pennifold 06 May 2013

WOW! It is stunning, great job. Love Chirs

by oaro 05 May 2013

nice work

by myrizun 05 May 2013


by highlandermom 05 May 2013

Great design

by bumblebee 05 May 2013

Very preety

by means 05 May 2013

Fantastic job. It really looks great. I was in a class recently and we were talking about the density of the EL designs. One lady said she purchased a smaller size and just enlarges (sorry don't know amount) and they are about right in density. I have not tried this yet , just thought I would share it.

ansalu by ansalu 05 May 2013

Good idea. If I'm not sure wich size I should take I also buy the smaller cause it would be better to enlarge them than to reduce.

nualaa by nualaa 06 May 2013

Thank you for the tip. These designs are in my projects to do list. Want to do them on cushions.

waterhedgie by waterhedgie 06 May 2013

Thanks for the tip.

rsloan by rsloan 08 May 2013

Thanks for the above discussion, I too have heard about enlarging (maybe it was up to 10%), but I'm always afraid it will screw up the design -- and with this many color thread changes I didn't want to do a trial stitchout. I guess I'll just have to bit the bullet and try the enlarging idea and see haow that works.

by cfidl 05 May 2013

Wow! Gorgeous design and you must really be good at stabilizing.

1 comment
rsloan by rsloan 08 May 2013

Well, actually I'm kind of new at this. I've had my Pfaff CP only since February so I'm still learning. I used one layer of mesh stabilizer (with Dritz spray stickum) and one layer of cutaway (medium - with Dritz spray stickum) and it seems to work for most Tshirts for me. Seems I'm drawn to the dense designs ---- Thanks for looking

by harleysville 05 May 2013

This is so beautiful. Thank you for posting.

by rosemarie2 05 May 2013


by lidiad 05 May 2013

That's impressive! Well done.

Hugs, Lidia