by pldc 16 Apr 2013

Hi there, I am sew tired......We are moving one bedroom from downstairs to upstairs & the room upstairs was housing my inspira Pfaff & quilt frame which has now moved to my livingroom sew that I can start the vegas quilt! (still searching for invisable thread) & then we will put utility shelves from MY bedroom into downstairs bedroom! why are we doing all of this you might ask??????????? well because I am getting a NEW CLOSET a nice big one with lights & doors too& shelves! Right now I have a little hole in the wall (literally) with a curtains (left open) for the doors as we were unable to find any that fit such a small size. It is sew much work but it will be sew worth it when they are all done! I am excited but right now I am sortof too tired to be excited.......... & how was your day ;0)


by pldc 17 Apr 2013

ttt hopefully justonlyme will see my question again? TIA hugs Loralye

by 02kar Moderator 17 Apr 2013

Yea! You awill be so happy that the pain of all the moving will be worth it.
Rest up now for the next step. Enjoy each step towards the new closet.

1 comment
pldc by pldc 17 Apr 2013

thanks Karen it seems like it is never ending but I think we are getting there! Thanks for the encouragement,Hugs Loralye

by noah 16 Apr 2013

I am happy for u .My day was not so good i got the hives again .Went to see the doctor this morning ,I see a specialist May 12th i think ,but we have no idea what is causing this ???I itch all over and the meds make me feel foggy lol Please pray for me my friends Hugs Carolyn

pldc by pldc 17 Apr 2013

I am so sorry to hear this Carolyn, I sometimes get them too & am told they are from stress? I pray for you & John everyday so I will add an extra one for the hives, Hugs Loralye

noah by noah 17 Apr 2013

Thanks Lor. who knows???

by justonlyme 16 Apr 2013

Are you planning to quilt with invisible thread? I have several spools and don't really care for the finished product with the invisible stuff. It is kind of stickery for lack of a better word. If you do indeed want some, then Homesew or Newark will have it.
Enjoy your new space!!

1 comment
pldc by pldc 17 Apr 2013

thanks for the links but I could not see any there, I must be looking in the wrong spot? why don't you like it? What color would you use on black & white & red being the main colors? thanks for the info, Hugs Loralye

by capoodle 16 Apr 2013

Down here in the States we have Habitat for Humanity ReUse it Stores and there you can get all kinds of used building stuff like doors, windows, paint, hardware etc. If you have something like that up in Canada go have a look even a salvage place. You could get a door and cut it down to the size you need and not feel bad about cutting it because the stuff is reasonably priced.

pldc by pldc edited 16 Apr 2013

after all this work I would rather get a new closet & yes we Habitat for Humanity Building store too. we looked for a closet at the time of building it but did not have much luck. No worries though I made do.

capoodle by capoodle 16 Apr 2013

Your local hardware store could custom order you a door to your size. They can make them with or without the frame.