by gignac 18 Mar 2013

hello could some one help me i make some digitizing and i should be glad to offer some of them but how can i do to enter the design in PES did i need to have a photo some of my digitizing have not been yet embroied thanks for your answer


by mops Moderator 24 Jul 2013

You really should post a photo of the stitched-out design! I only see computer images. If you have not stitched them yourself (and how would you know they are OK) then at least add "not tested" so everyone knows they have to test it before stitching it on some project.

by rescuer Moderator 18 Mar 2013

You should have a test stitch of your design and a picture of it to post. When you post it, make sure the file has no spaces in the name of the file.

You can always ask questions in your native language.

getEdited - SELECT
by spendlove Moderator edited 18 Mar 2013

You do need an image of your design. This should really be a stitchout. Then click the "upload your design" button in Designs by Cuties and follow the steps one by one.
Shout if you need help!
Good luck.