by bikermomfl 29 May 2008

do you think maybe we could try and finish the carnival font when this one is done? They only posted A-C and then poof it was gone. Just a thought, I'll vote with the group for what you want.


by grammalou 29 May 2008

I will vote for it, I really like that font.

by shirlener88 29 May 2008

It will be the third go at it - but I will vote!

by mops Moderator 29 May 2008

Well, voting is available, so why not.

by missann 29 May 2008

Here is why voting for the carnival font stopped being posted. As new fonts come out,the voting will be for the newest fonts and the entire carnival font was posted last winter. After the last font was finished there was a brief period where there were no new font letters to request/vote for and someone requested that the group start voting for the carnival font. Then the gold font came out and we have been voting for it each day.

1 comment
clawton by clawton 29 May 2008

This does seem to be the case. I would like the numbers to follow the gold font. I tried to ge the carnival E & H during the last break in fonts with out any luck. The new spring fonts is so cute I think that is what most will vote for. Remember there are many people that vote that do not use the community section.

by blessinge 29 May 2008

Count me in too.

by lbrow 29 May 2008

We can try I had the same 3, luckily my daughter gave me membership 4 Mom's Day so I was able to get them all. *4U

by adelmarie 29 May 2008

I am up for it. I only have the same three letters and would have loved to get the other ones. I wonder what happened. In the mean time Flower 4U