by leenova54 16 Jan 2013

My husband,John, age 66 passed away last night, we think it was a massive heart attack because of all the medical problems he had. Gonna be hard, really hard on me and on the family and my boys. I never thought that he would go before me. I am lost and don't know what I am going to do. I can barely get down my steps to go outside, not sure if I can drive, have to talk to the doctors about that. I was restricted by them to drive before but it is my left leg that is the worst. That's it, nothing more I can say, no arrangements have been set up yet but it will be a short viewing and he will be cremated and I have donated his eyes, that is the only part of him they could use other than skin and bone and I turned that down.

Love and thanks for the prayers I know you will say. Deb


by marjialexa Moderator 23 Jan 2013

Deb, I am so terribly sorry for your loss!! I lost 2 husbands, so I do know how hard and lonely it is. Just do your best. Organ donation is such a comfort, especially later on. Knowing that a grandfather saw his grandchildren for the very first time because of my Richard's eyes is one of the most comforting things ever. Keep going forward, friend, it's all you can do. I hope you can get some help, since you're not well yourself. Big Big hugs, Marji

by debbie3 20 Jan 2013

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope things get better for you.
May God Bless and keep you safe.

by marianamin2003 20 Jan 2013

I am very sorry for your loss. May God give you strength and comfort during this heartbreaking time.

by bejoscha 20 Jan 2013

We are very sorry for your loss...

by greytgirl 20 Jan 2013

Prayers going out to you and your family!

by cfidl 19 Jan 2013

Hugs and prayers for you Debra and your family. Stay strong, as you are inspiration to me.

by bielie 19 Jan 2013

So sorry to hear - you will be in my prayers.

by cj2sew 19 Jan 2013

I'm so sorry. You have been such a cheerful face through all your trials. This is just something you never can prepare for. I am sure your friends and, family will all rally around you during this time. May the Lord bless and comfort you now even more

by chenille 19 Jan 2013

I am very sorry for your loss.My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love & Hugs, Nadyne

by keeponsewing 19 Jan 2013

Deb, I'm so so sorry to hear this. I was shocked to see this know you are devastated right now. but remember we have a comforter in Christ. It isn't physical comfort, but definitley someone we can leave our burdens with and trust that God will see you through this.... I know I'm late (3days), but hope you were able to take care of all that needed to be done. Please take care of yourself as much as possible. Love and hugs, and especially prayers to you, my friend. Terre

by crosses 19 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sandy

by lique 19 Jan 2013

Thinking of you and wish you lots of strenghth!

by sewdoctor 19 Jan 2013

I am so sorry, you have had so much to deal with and now this..I wish I could give you a physical hug....but since I can't, I am sending one to you here...(HUG)....I will keep you in my prayers.

by holly12 19 Jan 2013

So sorry To hear this. I am sure you are going to be lost but you are a very strong women and can do whatever comes your way. I will keep you in my prayers. Arlene

by trovato 19 Jan 2013

Sorry to hear, Last year in juli 3 weeks before we should go on vacation my HB (57) past away and he was never ill or so. I know how you feel. I had to go on because of a teenager and dogs and cats but after a half year it is still difficult. I will think of you and all others who över come" things like this. One day normal and nothing to do and in a few seconds there is nothing left, I think and pray for you to be strong and go on for the kids.

by thowethowe 19 Jan 2013

Praying for you and your family in your time of loss.

by emily16838 19 Jan 2013

My are in my thoughts and my prayers too.

by designgirl 19 Jan 2013

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

by fannyfurkin 19 Jan 2013

Dearest Deb, I am so sorry to hear this. You and your family will be in my prayers. I know you will get through this very difficult time because We all know you have such strength.

by hazelbea 19 Jan 2013

So sorry for your loss,

by almag 19 Jan 2013

Dear Deb,
Sending heartfelt thoughts to you for comfort and understanding at this terribly sad time.
Much love - Alma.

by edithfarminer 18 Jan 2013

So sorry to hear your loss, what a wonderful gift the eyes, am a great believer in donating if possible. Maybe you can have shopping including food delivered at home, is done a lot now in the UK.
Prayers for you. Hugs Edith x

by lerman 18 Jan 2013

Dear Deb, very sorry for your loss. Warmest wishes / Peggy

by castelyn 18 Jan 2013

Debs,so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.Hugs Yvonne

by tinfriend 18 Jan 2013

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

by rsloan 17 Jan 2013

Deb - I am so sorry. I know how much you will miss him. But you are not alone. Hundreds of us "cuties" are within the reach of your keyboard. Know that we are thinking of you and sending our prayers.

by ramona 17 Jan 2013

Sending prayers for you and your family. Losing a loved one is not something you get over....but with God's help you learn how to live with the loss.

by gerryb 17 Jan 2013

Oh, Deb, I am so sorry. My heart & prayers are with you & your family. God hold you in His hand.

by ethan 17 Jan 2013

My thoughts and prayers are with you, I am sorry to hear of your loss. G

by lambchr2 17 Jan 2013

Sorry to hear of your loss

by april22 17 Jan 2013

Sorry to hear your sad news. My prayers are with you and yours,


by sdrise 17 Jan 2013

Deb I was so shocked to hear hubby died. He was so concerned about you and losing you. All our prayers are with you and the family. What a wonderful gift to give his eyes to someone who needs them . Yes he will live on in that person and in your hearts. We are all here for you but wish we were all there to help you. My sympathies.Please keep in touch. We are all concerned for you. Suzanne

by pinon 17 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

by oigelcox 17 Jan 2013

i am so sorry for your loss. I will pray for you. Hugs Joyce

by cherylgauteng 17 Jan 2013

So sorry to read this terrible news. Know that you will be in my thoughts and a big hug for you.

by rmj8939 17 Jan 2013

I am truly sorry for your loss. I can say that I know exactly how you feel at this time as I lost my husband that quickly a few years ago. I hope that our prayers will help you get through this difficult time.

by shirley124 17 Jan 2013

My prayers are with you at this sad time. Shirley

by juanitadenney 17 Jan 2013

Dear Debra, So sorry to hear this, you and your family are in my prayers. Juanita

by beatie58 17 Jan 2013

Oh Debra, what a terrible shock for you. Just remember all your cute family is thinking of you at this sad time. Huge Hugs Love Sally

by mranderson 17 Jan 2013

Dear, dear Debra, What can I say that the other Cuties have not said. You are in my thoughts and my heart aches for you. I would love to be able to give you a big hug but that is impossible, just remember we are all here for you. Love Marg.

by bugbyte441 17 Jan 2013

Dear Deb, God Bless you and your sons. You will be in our prayers. Your friends in Christ,
Jan and Chris

by hightechgrammy 16 Jan 2013

Oh Deb, I am so, so very sorry. He loved you so very much, and I know you must just be devastated. My heart and prayers are with you. Help surely is on the way. We are here for you, I wish I could give you hugs now. Jan

by betty2246 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry for your loss, sending prayers your way

by raels011 16 Jan 2013

Dear Deb, Sorry to hear your sad news. My prayers are with you and yours
Luv Raelene

by airyfairy 16 Jan 2013

My dearest Debra. I am so very sorry to hear that your husband has died. My thoughts are with you and your family as this very sad time. Sending you much love Sarah.

by oaro 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear this bad news bless you heart my prayers and my thought are with yo and your family .Maria

by katydid 16 Jan 2013

Oh, sweetie I am so sorry. What can I say? I pray for all your family and may God give you the strength to get through this difficult time. You are in my prayers. Love , Kay

by muffy 16 Jan 2013

I am so heart is just breaking for you. You've already been through so much. Do your boys live close by? You'll be in my thought and prayers.

by dlonnahawkins 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear this...bless your heart. We will be thinking of you and prayers to help you through this.

by marianb 16 Jan 2013

So sorry to hear of you loss. You and your family will be in the thoughts and prayers of all of us

by buffy1 16 Jan 2013

so sorrry; you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers

by gramsbear 16 Jan 2013

Debra I am so very saddened to hear this news, Words cannot say how truely sorry I am for you & the boys. Youns will definately be in my Prayers , as I will be Praying for Peace in all this for each of you. Hugs, Judy

by drro 16 Jan 2013

Oh My Dear Debra, You were on my mind all day today, and now I can not find the words to write how sad I am to read your words. I will be asking our Dear Lord to hold you up and give you all the strength you need to make this journey. Hold Jesus' hand and let Him guide you as you have before. He will make all things possible for you that you need to meet your needs. I am keeping you in my prayers as always! Hugs and God Bless! ro

by crafter2243 Moderator 16 Jan 2013

Debra I am so so sorry. I don't even know what to say. How can you deal with all of this. I will pray for you and I am sending you hugs,

by aleene 16 Jan 2013

So sorry for your loss. I know, no words that can ease the pain. I can't say I know how you feel , Because I don't. Know that I will keep you in my prayer because GOD know what you need and just what to do for you that is my prayer.! with love

by ddouville 16 Jan 2013

So very sorry. I lost my husband 8 years ago next month. It is so hard. You will be in my thoughts.

by toet 16 Jan 2013

My thoughts are with you,I lost my DH when i was young and had small children.

by lulu07 16 Jan 2013

Oh Debra, I am so heartbroken to hear about your husband...I will pray for you, I can imagine how difficult it is for you. Take care and GOD bless you.

by moyed 16 Jan 2013

Debra, hugs n blessings to you and your family at this sad time.
hugs Helen

by berny 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, My thoughts are with you Berny

by haleymax 16 Jan 2013

Debra, please check with agencies in your area for assistance with a vehicle fittings for hand equipment as you have trouble with your legs. LIFE (in Mississippi) has helped individuals that are in wheel-chairs to be independent in this respect. My prayers are with you and your family.
Our Father, I pray that you will enclose this family within your loving arms. Give them comfort and peace at this trying time. Give them knowledge and wisdom to handle all the things that will be coming their way in the future. May they see your light glowing in this darkness at this time. In Jesus holy name, I pray, Amen.
Please keep us updated.

by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Oh Dear Debra,
my heart aches for you and your family, you are in my thoughts and prayers (as always). Please take care of yourself as much as is possible in a situation like this

by gandu 16 Jan 2013

So very sorry to hear about your hubby Please accept my Sympathy
You and your family will be in my prayers
Hugs Brenda

by vickiannette 16 Jan 2013

Dear Debra, please accept my Sincere Sympathy. xxVicki

by ssampsel 16 Jan 2013

you & your family are in my thoughts & prayers. shocking news.

getEdited - SELECT
by jrob Moderator edited 16 Jan 2013

Oh, Debra. I can not tell you how sorry I am. God bless you, in your waking and in your sleep, in your sorrow and in your joy. This is just such a shock. The book of Hebrews tells us that we have a High Priest, Jesus, who understands what we are going through. He “sympathizes” with our weakness (Hebrews 4:15). We are not alone in our suffering and there are glory moments to be found in the dark if we will keep our eyes open to see. Sending you love and prayers and trusting the Lord to hold you up.

by bmupton 16 Jan 2013

So very sorry to hear, Deb.... Praying the the Lord will give you the peace that passes all understanding to get through these hard times. Becky

by marron1 16 Jan 2013

sending love and prayers to you and your boys.. linda

by blueeyedblonde 16 Jan 2013

Sorry to hear of your loss. I know how you feel, like someone tore half of you away. I lost my first husband 24 yrs. ago even though it doesn't seem anywhere near that. Just take one day at a time and you'll get through it. Rely on those you love and each will help each other through this.

by gdsteliga 16 Jan 2013

So sorry to hear of your loss. I pray the God will wrap you in loving arms and comfort you. I pray he will lead through the pain.


by grandmamek 16 Jan 2013

Dear Deb, My sincere condolences to you and your boys. I pray the Lord will give you strength and courage for this trying time in your life. May you receive comfort and love. You will have the prayers of all your cute sisters and the loving thoughts that go with them. Hugs, Mary

by lilylady 16 Jan 2013

my thoughts are with you, so sad. I hope you can find peace.

by jid53 16 Jan 2013

My thoughts are with you.

by greysewist Moderator 16 Jan 2013

Oh my goodness, Deb. What a shock for you. I guess going fast beats a lot of alternatives but doesn't give you any mental preparation time at all. I'm so sorry for your loss and will be thinking of you as you battle through yet another challenge in your life. You've already proven how strong you can be, so I know you will get through this as well.

by pcteddyb 16 Jan 2013

I am very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.

by theduchess 16 Jan 2013

My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless You. Stella

by barba 16 Jan 2013

My sincere condolences and prayers are coming your way. He will be watching over you and always with you in your heart. Hugs, Barba

by annatjievdw 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I wish you strength through God.

by bumblebee 16 Jan 2013

My prayers for you and your family. I know anything I could say will not
begin to cover the loss of your husband. However, I do know that it is God that sustains us when we can go no further. May he bless you with strength and when you look down and see only two footprints you will know he has carried you..

by rsehorse 16 Jan 2013

Deb, My heart is breaking for you . I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please know my thought s and prayers are with you. Sincerely, Susan

by noah 16 Jan 2013

I was sick in the night the flu i guess and i was sitting praying for u now i know why!!Be strong God is with you hugs carolyn

by zoefzoef 16 Jan 2013

Deb, I feel so sorry together with you. I'm wishing you all the strengh you need and sending lots of prayers. Big hug to you.

by clawton 16 Jan 2013

Sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless You

by debswebster 16 Jan 2013

I'm so sorry, what a terrible shock for you and the family. You poor dear.
It is said that God will never give us more hardship than we can bear, so you must be one truly strong woman! You need to lean on Him now. May you receive the comfort you need from your family and from above. God be with you and give you strength in these days. I care for you so much, you are in my prayers. Love, Debbie

by basketkase 16 Jan 2013

Deb, there is nothing I can say here to help, your grief has to be immense. We will all do whatever we can to help & prayers are there to give you strength to endure this loss!! Huge hug goes out to you....

by catsnhorses 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear that your wonderful husband passed suddenly! Your heart must be breaking in your sorrow. Know that all of your Cute family is crying with you. If there's anything we can do, even if it's just an ear to listen or a warm hug ... we're here for you, dear lady.

Sending you a hug now,
Marion in Kentucky

by pennifold 16 Jan 2013

Dearest Deb,

I've just come upstairs as I couldn't sleep (100% humidity already!!!) and came on to Cute. To say I am shocked beyond belief is an understatement and I've been crying the whole time reading all the pouring out of sympathy for you at this time. I too am at a loss for words to comfort you, but know you have the love and support of hundreds of women and men on here who have been supporting you through prayer in what you personally have been going through.

It's such a magnificent act that John has done by donating his eyes, for they are the windows to your soul.

I pray that you and your boys will be of great strength and comfort to each other during the coming days. Prayers for you too to "rest" up. I too wish I could be there with you to hold you, be a shoulder to cry on and just be. May God walk beside you at your time of need and may you feel him close by.

Love and blessings and continued prayers for you all, Chris

by sewmom 16 Jan 2013

I'm very sorry for your loss. This will be an extremely hard time for you. Please know that the Cuties will always be here for you.

by Lupaccia 16 Jan 2013

I am very sorry ... a big hug...

by susiesembroidery 16 Jan 2013

Dear Debbie, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's passing. May God grant you the strength to cope and even more courage to go forward. I am keeping you in my prayers. God bless!! Lovies.

by jofrog2000 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry, my heart hurts for you. It's 10 years this April for me. Just take it one day at a time. Jo

by janetedna 16 Jan 2013

So sorry Deb, such a shock. I hope you can get out and about in time and things become easier. Jan

by capoodle 16 Jan 2013

Thinking of you with thoughts and prayers.

by claudenicolas 16 Jan 2013

Very sorry, I know how it is hard to be be alone suddently. You have to think to share much love with you family
You have my thoughts, prayers and loves

by viki 16 Jan 2013

my god hold you in his arms and lead you to warmth and love in your days to come. love and prayers Viki

by rwalden 16 Jan 2013

I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family. May God give you strength and comfort. Reva

by stitchinkate 16 Jan 2013

So very sorry. Hugs, and and prayers also.

by clintonmiss22 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers will be with you and your family. My husband turns 67 today and we live on borrowed time because of his medical problems. I will go home and give him a big hug. Know that you have Cuties thinking about you over the next days!

by twee 16 Jan 2013

I am so very sorry to hear this, I am in shock. You already have so much on your plate. Everyone has given you such wise advice. Read these messages of love from your Cute Family often and let them help lift you up in a terrible time of sorrow. God be with you. You will be together again.

by asterixsew Moderator 16 Jan 2013

Debra, what very sad news. I am thinking about you

by meganne 16 Jan 2013

OH Debra, I am so very sorry, I am so stunned to read your terrible news. Oh my dear friend I wish I could give you more than my words of sympathy and empathy. I have been there before and the devastation of losing your mate, your beloved, your life partner, is beyond compare.
I imagine the thoughts you must be having, how could this be?
I know you have probably already thought that perhaps it is HIS way of making the journey easier for you, even though it doesn't make it easier for you just now. You are a strong lady, you will come through this and in time you may even think that perhaps it was meant to be this way. I say this with great love and the deepest conviction that there is a hereafter and our loved ones are waiting for us there.
I know none of my words helps make this any easier and I am rambling on because I am so shocked that this has happened.
I wish I could be there to support you and help you, but all I have is my beliefs and my words and my deep affection for you.
I am sending my prayers and my love and my heartfelt sympathy.
I am here if you feel the need to talk. I don't know what else I can do.
your friend Meg

by dee 16 Jan 2013

God Bless in your time of need .

by seamripper40 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.

by babsie 16 Jan 2013

So sorry, I personally know how you feel my husband passed away in 2003. I will pray for you and your family, hold on to the Lord and He will help I know that. Hugs and blessings.

by bowlds 16 Jan 2013

I was shocked to read this today. I am so sorry. I thought you had enough on your plate and now you lose your husband. Please stay strong. Hugs, Cathy

by karenintw 16 Jan 2013

So sorry for your loss.

by dino 16 Jan 2013

My prayers are with you and your family.

by graceandham 16 Jan 2013

I've been there and it's incredibly hard. So proud you made the decision to help someone else by donating at a terribly hard moment. This one act for me was so reassuring as time went on. When you feel terribly sad or lonesome, write down some of your memories of your time with him. Then you can read them when sad! And your children will treasure the notebook later. Cry all the tears you need to. Be alone if that's what you need. Be with crowds of friends if that's what you need. Everyone's different. Be kind to yourself. He is still beside you - the fellowship of the saints. God bless you as you establish yourself in this new life.

P.S. It's been 13 years for me, and God blessed me with a new husband. That I didn't expect!
I took the life insurance money and bought a wheelbarrow and the lifetime dream concert piano and threw myself into "flower therapy" and "music therapy". So much cheaper than a therapist. Hopefully your sewing can serve for your therapy!

by dec716 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry for you loss
your strength will come from the Lord

by stork 16 Jan 2013

So very sorry for your loss. You have been through so much and need more support and prayers....they are coming your way. Just wish we were close so I could help you out.
Tonya aka stork

by sewemb 16 Jan 2013

So sorry I personally know how you feel..been there

by anitapatch 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry for you

by shirlener88 16 Jan 2013

My dear Deb, I am so sorry for your loss. There is no way to express to you - the feelings I have for you in your hour of need - if there were anything that I could do for you - I would - I will be praying that your needs are met and that you will receive the help that you need to take care of you - I am so glad to hear that you have arranged for John to help others and that you will have a him cremated and I do hope that your boys will step up to assist you - I know your folks will be there as much as they can. I wish that we would have exchanged phone numbers. I love you my dear.

by tiply01 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry.

by justsew 16 Jan 2013

I send love and strength to help you through, take one day at a time. I Pray for you and your family.
Hugs Pam

by lflanders 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry to hear this! I am very sure that it will be hard mentally and physically on you! Keep your head up and remember that the Lord is in control and He will see you through all of this. Will keep you in my prayers! Remember, one day at a time! The Lord will get you through!!!!

by sewtired 16 Jan 2013

As EggieAnnie said, take some "me" time. None of us can fully understand what you are going through right now, but know that prayers are going out for you and your family. I hope that soon the pain will ease and the happy memories you shared will comfort you.

by joansatx 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry....Prayer and love,Joan

by marthie 16 Jan 2013

Debra I am so sorry to hear this. My deepest sympathy and my heart goes out to you. LOVIES

by mysew1325 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry for your loss... the Lord will help you.... try and stay strong..

by mops Moderator 16 Jan 2013

I'm so sorry for your loss, Deb. I hope you will find the courage and the strength to continue - it must be so hard for you and your family. Martine

by gerryvb 16 Jan 2013

Dear Debra.So very sorry for you and the boys, you will be in my prayers and I hope the Lord will give you lots of strengths. I hope you have lots of dear friends and family nearby to help you and comfort you. My deepest sympathy for you and the boys. Hugs, Gerry

by queenofhearts 16 Jan 2013

My deepest sympathy goes out to you and yours.

by manami 16 Jan 2013

Dearest Deb, I'm so sad to read this and so sorry for your loss. There is no words to comfort you, but know that you are in my prayers and always been in my thoughts. With love, Yoriko

by momofeight 16 Jan 2013

I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers during this difficult time

by laffma1 16 Jan 2013

My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family in this time of sorrow. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers - hugs.

by KCowden 16 Jan 2013

So sorry for your loss....pray that you find comfort and peace in the loving hands of our Heavenly Father!!!!

by eggyannie 16 Jan 2013

A hug for you Leenova I wish i lived near you to help you Its strange that women are always refered to as the weaker sex Yet when hard times come along its the weaker sex that take over the reins and keep plodding onward. I pray your God will give you the strength to continue to live yr life and that you will have lots of friends and family who will help support you during this hard time.
Take some "Me" time to rest up and allow the body to recoup some energy.
It is so kind of you to allow some one else to benefit at this time and to give that wonderful gift of sight to a total stranger, i know they will be so glad to be enabled to see their loved ones again That is a wonderful and kind thing to do
annie in the uk

by kathyjt 16 Jan 2013

So sorry Deb. My thought amd prayers will be with you.

by jerrib 16 Jan 2013

Dear Deb: I am so sorry. Words cannot express how I know you must be feeling. Please know that my prayers are with you during the days ahead.My deepest sympathy for your loss.
May God hold you and your family in his loving arms. Hugs Jerri

by sadp 16 Jan 2013

O Deb, I am so, so sorry to read this. I pray our Father will take care of you and help you through this. Please take good care of yourself, you need the strength, hugs S*

by eleen 16 Jan 2013

I am so terribly sorry to hear of your loss. You and the children are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for your health during this terribly difficult time and that there will be help for you. XXX

by dailylaundry 16 Jan 2013

Of course, Deb, you have our thoughts, prayers and love. How sorry for your loss. How difficult to with how you are feeling. I hope you have lots of help. Please take good care of yourself - be patient with yourself and know we have you and your boys in our prayers. With lots of love your way, Laura*

by maleah 16 Jan 2013

May the good Lord hold you in His tender mercies...

by anangel 16 Jan 2013

Oh, my dear friend, I am so very, very sorry, and you have my heartfelt sympathy! You have my constant prayers for strength through this
difficult situation. The Lord will supply your needs, Debra. He has
for a long time now. Just think upon all the good times you and John shared with each other and family, of the great team you and he were to muster through all the hard times together. He is smiling confidently from heaven right now, knowing what a wonderfully tough lady you are, and that you will carry on with that same strong determination still! May the Lord lift you up at this moment, and grant you a special peace with John's passing. You have wonderful memories to sustain you in the days to come, and a sweet guardian angel to watch over you as you regain your stamina and strive ahead.
No words can convey how I truly feel right now, but, Debra, know you are loved and cared about by so many!!! We're always here for you at any time!
Love you SO very much!

by turtleowl 16 Jan 2013

Prayers that God will take care of you and help you find your way thru this.

by sondray 16 Jan 2013

Condolences to you and your family.
I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.

by christief 16 Jan 2013

So sorry to hear about your loss. Will be uplifting you in prayer and others as well here on Cute - one big loving and caring family! Hugs to you.