by katrinasheffield 23 Dec 2012

I just found an amazing tool in my stash and I thought I would share. I have the hardest time hooping anything. I picked up a ruler that I use for other things so I could measure out where I wanted my designs. Then I used my cropadile to make a 4x4 template with tiny holes big enough for my fade away marker to put a point (I used the cardboard that comes inside fat quarters from walmart). Once I made my dots on my fabric, I used this amazing ruler to put my fabric right in place. The ruler is a thin, bendy plastic. The edge fits under my hoop (between the top hoop and the stabilizer).

I place my fabric on my table, lay the ruler on the horizonal dots, flip the fabric over the ruler (so I have a ruler sandwich - fabric, ruler, fabric) and hold tightly in place. Then I put the edge of my ruler right at the horizontal mark and just nudge it against the side and since it fits right under - it doesn't slip - it doesn't seem to loosen my stabilizer either. Then I can lay the rest of the ruler down and across and because it bends it lays down perfectly. Then I can just flatten the top portion down in place. So easy. There is probably a tool for this or a better way to do it - but I'm just so excited I had to share. I wish I knew where this ruler came from... outta my daughters school supplies I'm sure - but that doesn't mean much! She is homeschooled so we get things from everywhere.
Identifying marks on the ruler say:
The C-Thru Ruler Company
Bloomfield, CT
No. 36
Amazing. This just totally made my day!


by pennyhal 23 Dec 2012

That's a good idea! I suppose you could make your own ruler out of any bendable plastic too.

by pldc 23 Dec 2012

wow this is a neat idea, I never cut my fabric first but this is a great way to save on fabric too as I sometimes end up with waste