by smallwunderz 13 Dec 2012

Hello Cuties

Has anyone heard about michelle's surgery? Am praying all went well.
Lois W.


by michemb 14 Dec 2012

Thank you Lois for thinking of me.
I am home and am o.k. There is pain and that is to be expected but it is not as bad as I expected. Will have to take it slow for a while (that will be difficult for me) but I am on the road to recovery.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers

by highlandermom 13 Dec 2012

Glad you asked and answer put here. Glad to get this report.

by danie 13 Dec 2012

Elle a été opérée et ça bien été, elle est revenue à la maison cet après-midi.

jrob by jrob 13 Dec 2012

Translation: It was made and it was good, she returned to the house this afternoon.

jrob by jrob 13 Dec 2012

Thank you danie for letting us know. ;)

by 02kar Moderator 13 Dec 2012

I have heard nothing and wonder too. We need to keep on praying for her.