by dlonnahawkins 26 May 2008

I hope all of you take the time today to remember our loved ones, and the Verterans who have given their lives for our country so that we may live free. God Bless them all.


by simplyrosie 27 May 2008

I was so proud of my husband when we went to service this weekend and the leader asked all the Vets to stand up... he was one of them. ;-) May we honor them every day... freedom is not FREE.

by letvia 27 May 2008

I did too, I don't have any direct family whom fought in any war since I am from Venezuela, but my husband has. His Grandfather in the WWI and his Father in the WWII, I prayed for them and for all the kids that have been lost at Irak. Flower and XoXo

by lbrow 27 May 2008

I did dionna, My G. father fought WWI, dad in WW11 & my late husband WW11 & Korea. I'll never 4 get *4U

by ezzemml 27 May 2008

I had received a beautiful email showing a lot of veterans from Americia Canada Australia and Newzealand and i think England too would loveto share it with all but to large and tomany pics to post here but any one would like it i can send it to them. It is very emotional.

by shirlener88 27 May 2008

Always! *4U

by auntbaba 26 May 2008

We all need to remember our veterans and our military who have given or who give their all so that we remain free. Fly your flag proudly!

by jrob Moderator 26 May 2008

Yes, it is very important to remember those who gave their lives and had their lives altered so that we could be free. Thank you. If you have a vet, I hope you are flying old glory for them somewhere.;)