by simplyrosie 25 May 2008

May 25, 2008 - Guess what girls! Hubby went out looking for rocks and I'm home alone... ;-) I'm cleaning, internet surfing, spending time on CUTE with the girls - it's nice for a few hours. ;-)


by shirlener88 27 May 2008

Wow Teri, that is nice - how far does he have to go to do that? Have fun as I know you must have. *4U

by jrob Moderator 25 May 2008

I hope he brings home for you a diamond disguised as a rock. Didn't know you were married to a rock hound. My son's in laws are in town and I am cooking for his grandmother-in-laws. Just wanted to sit down for a second before I go back to chopping.;)

by mops Moderator 25 May 2008

I am almost ready for bed, just helped my father to get upstairs. So I am looking for the moon (it's raining), do some reading and call it a day. Enjoy your hours alone, Isn't it nice to be able to do whatever you want for a while without questions or comments ;-)

by pafhen 25 May 2008

I'm sitting here trying to stay awake, hubby is asleep, trying to do some backing up on designs, LOOKING for ROCKS? hehe;-)