by lbrow 17 Nov 2012

Lillian up date. 2 bulging, herniated discs and pinched nerves. Having blocks Wed. 21st. to hope alleviate some of pain. Surgery enevitable . Difficult to even take a deep breath without pain. Hopeing blocks will help for a while .. Moving extremly painful but managing to keep us together. Unable to do much so not on Cute . Please continue to pray for me, I know that is what is holding me up. I love you all/Lillian


by lenamae 22 Nov 2012

I hope this helps you.
Hugs Leanmae

by crafter2243 Moderator 21 Nov 2012

Sending you big hugs. I hope that will put a smile on your face. I will pray for you.

by jrob Moderator 21 Nov 2012

Praying for you this morning,my dear friend.

by crazystitcher 21 Nov 2012

So sorry to learn of your suffering, Lillian - prayers for you & thoughts from my heart with you in these difficult days - hope the blocks bring you some relief.

by askmcv 20 Nov 2012

Oh, Lillian, so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain!

by zoefzoef 18 Nov 2012

Lillian, I'm sorry to read that you are suffering a lot. Don't understand much about all the details, but enough to understand that it is not easy to life with it at the moment. I will keep you in my prayers and hope things will change for you soon. Hugs Linda

by pennifold 18 Nov 2012

Oh! dear Lillian, my heart goes out to you. I can't bear to see someone in pain and I pray that God's love will flow through you and I ask Him to place His healing hands on your back In the meantime, I do pray that the blocks will cure you of the pain you are in and that you can get some respite care. I know you are caring for Ron too but as others have said you need to look after yourself otherwise who will look after you. Someone has to mother the mother!!!! Prayers, thoughts and love being sent over the miles. Love and blessings Chris

by momhome 18 Nov 2012

Lillian - herniated discs with pinched nerves need to be taken very seriously. If the nerves continue to be pinched you can end up with permanent nerve damage and other major health issues. I am saying this as your friend here on Cutie, but also as a nurse, and a fellow chronic back-pain sufferer.
Depending on the doctor - but many will tell you that you need to be down and resting for 12 hours or so after the block. Which means you should not be up trying to take care of your husband. I have had several of all the different types of blocks.both in my neck and my lumbar back. Everybody reacts differently - but I end up in bed and sleeping for several hours afterwards and then in my recliner for the rest of the day. You will also HAVE
I do not know where you live and I don't know what is wrong with your husband - but you need to look at other options for his care. Here in the states there are places they provide what is called respite care - they take care of your loved ones so that you can get the needed rest or you take a break. If there is not family that can help you then maybe something like this is an option. You NEED to take care of YOURSELF or you will not be able to take care of your husband. PLEASE-please if the Dr says surgery - DO it as soon as possible and do not put it off.

1 comment
momhome by momhome 18 Nov 2012

I can't find the edit button - so I will finish what I started to say here- You will HAVE TO HAVE someone DRIVE you home. You can't do this yourself. Don't even try.

by drro 17 Nov 2012

Ouch! You are and will be in my prayers!! Gentle hugs and God Bless!!

by melsolomon 17 Nov 2012

Lillian , U don't know me but saw ur post about ur back , now I want to encourage u to get this fixed if ur MD is advising surgery , the reason is , I live with chronic back pain ,Have been doing this since 1994 , the disc in my lumbar area , disc S5, L1, herniated , well after PT, and every other thing the MD said to do and 6 months latter , the disc ruptured , at this time I had moved to another part of TX, so here we are , chronic pain , dragging my left leg ,anyway I could go on about the pain as I know u are in alot of pain and understand , well I woke up on a saturday morning needing to urinate , the pain had increased , well I was unable to urinate much less walk or stand up , sp we went to the ER , was admitted , had an MRI , showed the disc ruptured as a matter of record I was told it was the worst case the had ever seen , anyway ,my MD was out of town for the weekend and there was another MD in his place for the group , well he didn't reconize my symptoms as being an emergancy for surgery , now mind u at this point I couldn't urinate or defecate on my own , the pain was radiating down my left leg , across my pelvis and I have what they call saddle anthesia ,well I layed there all weekend on morphine , comes monday and my MD shows up and imediately takes me to surgery , which should have been done when I showed up ,now I live with chronic pain , have a pain stimulator implanted , which is awesome , have to catherize to urinate and do a bowel program evey so many days which makes me very ill and all day and night in bed , its not pleasant I'm walking ,by the grace of GOD, because with my injury (caudaequina) thats the syndrome I have I'm not supposed to be walking either , so now that I've scared u to death and that isn't my intention , I'm very passoniate about this issue , please don't put it off , listen to ur body , take care of ur self , don't push ur self Please take care of ur self first so u don't end up in my situation or worse!I I'll pray for u .

by lflanders 17 Nov 2012

This is not what I was wanting to hear! I will keep you in my prayers. Just remember that you can not handle Ron so find you someone you can call to help you with him if he needs help! You are going to have to look after Lillian first right now! If there was something I could do, I would but this is out of my hands. Prayer is all I can offer that can help! You be very careful and if you have a cell phone. keep in in your pocket.. I have to keep mine very close just in case I fall. Crazy, but that would not do me much good because the only two up here that I can call do not even answer half the time. If I were to call his boss, the call most likely would not even be transfered to him. They do not care about anything but the DOLLAR! I was afraid they would fire Brian after he had his Heart Attack. They have gotten a bit upset since then when he has to go to the heart Dr for a check-up. They stay after him and rush him even when they know he is at the Dr.
I will give you a call in a couple of days. I am going to try and go to church tomorrow but I have not slept in so long I am afraid to count on anything.before it happens. Love you ! Please try not to over-do! Linda

by jacquipaul 17 Nov 2012

So sorry for the condtion and your pain. My prayers and sympathetic thoughts are with you.
Hugs and love,

by kezza2sew 17 Nov 2012

Lillian, I cannot imagine what you are suffering. Therefore know that my thoughts are with you and I do hope you get this fixed so you do have comfort at the end of all this.. love Kerry

by grandmamek 17 Nov 2012

I am sorry to hear that you have these problems and are still in severe pain. I will continue to pray for you. Hopefully the blocks will help. Best wishes for a complete speedy recovery. Hugs, Mary

by manami 17 Nov 2012

Dear Lillian, I'm so sorry to hear that you are still in pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs, Yoriko

by katydid 17 Nov 2012

oh, Lillian , I am sorry you are in so much pain. I had the same condition more than 30 years ago and did not have all the modern options you have now. I certainly will pray for you. Hope your family can help. help you some. Hugs , Kay

by airyfairy 17 Nov 2012

Oh Lillian - I hate to her that you are in so much pain. Hope the blocks will help. My love and hugs to you. Sarah.

by basketkase 17 Nov 2012

Lillian........I pray you will find relief soon........I have degenrative disc disease in my spine and understand your pain...a big and gentle hug to you.........Vicki

by theduchess 17 Nov 2012

Ms Lillian,Hoping everything works out for you but with less pain.My Prayers will continue.Hugs, Stella

by pcteddyb 17 Nov 2012

The blocks help many people - hoping they help you too!

by jrob Moderator 17 Nov 2012

So, so sorry to hear this. That is so painful. I pray that you get total relief and are able to do the things you want to. I pray that lots of help is sent your way with Ron and that you heal not only completely, but quickly.

by gerryvb 17 Nov 2012

Hope and pray for you that pain will get less. take it easy and take care. Lot's of hugs, Gerry

by 02kar Moderator 17 Nov 2012

I am so sorry you are going through this. The blocks should help you. Prayers will continue.

by awesome1 17 Nov 2012

Been there, done that! Helped me until micro surgery. Years later I am having greater difficulty, but not wanting surgery again. Hope you get much relief..can feel your pain.