by airyfairy 16 Nov 2012

Is anybody else in a total flap over Christmas? I have already been back from Johannesburg a week, bringing the most terrible head cold with me. I have done very little this week, except cough and sneeze. There are only a certain number of things that I can embroider for my family so I am at a loss to think of what to give my girls and the grandchildren. DH of course says that there is plenty of time. Easy for him to say as he does not buy the presents!!!LOL. Hugs to all Sarah.


by aussiequilter 19 Nov 2012

we down sized christmas gifts a few years ago ,it make life a lot easier ,we only buy for one adult each, we do but for the 6 grand children .I make most of the gifts for friends , and thats well under way.

Do take care of yourself

by drro 19 Nov 2012

I am in a bit of a flap as you put it. I have a pair of senior kitties that are keeping me hopping with their maladies! SO, I just mosey along, hoping I will complete some of my plans! Hope you feel better SOON! HUgs and God Bless!

by askmcv 19 Nov 2012

I hope you feel better soon. Remember, only YOU know about the presents that you do not make/ buy!

1 comment
askmcv by askmcv 26 Nov 2012


by basketkase 18 Nov 2012

Same boat, darlin'! Not with a head cold, which I hope gets better quickly for you....I have been dizzy off & on for 3 weeks now and my ears feel calling the Doc tomorrow..It has put me so far behind in all projects....stop the world, I want to get off..LOL!

by debswebster 17 Nov 2012

Absolutely, in fact I wish we could add another month to the calendar!!
My hat's off to Americans who also celebrate and cater for Thanksgiving a month before Christmas!! I would be in an absolute tizz. LOL. Anyway, hope you get over your cold, things will look up when you're better. Hugs, Debbie S.Africa

by momhome 17 Nov 2012

My town has the infamous title of being the top in at the county for whooping cough. It is not just the kids that are sick - but the adults too. In adults it appears as a cold - so they don't know it and are infecting a lot of other people. Soooo - if you are sick - PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Christmas is about the spirit of giving and the birth of Christ - not how many gifts you get. Maybe this year you will need to do as Karen suggested and give gifts for the entire family and not each one individually. In my family the kids draw names and get just one gift and the adults get a unisex gift and we play a game and them pick a gift or take the one someone else has. It has made it a lot easier when we all get together. Of course - I do still get for each one of the kids and g-kids - probably to much. My g-kids know that I will make them cloths each year. They have been getting fleece pants every year for several years and they look forward to that. If things are going right for me then they get more then that.

So everyone take care - be well - and do what you can do - BUT most of all enjoy what you do do, and being with your family.

by capoodle 16 Nov 2012

Push the fluids and rest when you can. The virus cold thing has been lasting around two to three weeks in our area. Change it up this year and have your DH go shopping for the presents. lol

by almag 16 Nov 2012

In answer to your question...... Yes!!!!!

getEdited - SELECT
by jrob Moderator edited 16 Nov 2012

yes, Yes, YES! I have had the cough/sneeze sinus infection for going on 6 grandbabies keep re-infecting me. I just want to lay down and rest for a few days, but here comes Thanksgiving so I am trying to keep focused on all of the things that I am thankful for.

by 02kar Moderator 16 Nov 2012

We are downsizing Christmas. Trying to give usable things to families rather than individual gifts to each one. Thank goodness. I am 3 weeks into a nasty head cold and just beginning to be able to get things done. So there is hope for us all.

1 comment
drro by drro 19 Nov 2012

This is a wonderful Idea!! I am going to do this next year! Thanks for sharing:>)

by pennifold 16 Nov 2012

I hear what you are saying Sarah! I feel the same way! Since I've got back from Europe I've been chasing my tail! I hope it will settle down a bit next week! Love and blessings and I hope it will all work out for you too, Chris