getEdited - SELECT
by dec716 ( edited 24 Oct 2012 ) 24 Oct 2012

Does anyone know anything about AlphaBaker software by needleheads? I came across it on youtube. Looks like it might be handy. Cost is $30, for me thats affordable. But I am wondering if it is really worth it.

Included a link if your interested.

Sorry tried the link it doesn't work. If you search in youtube using ' Alpha Baker - Font File Creation ' it will come up


by dec716 27 Oct 2012

thank you all for your help
now i just need to decide

by eastwitch2 25 Oct 2012

The Alpha Baker Program is a stand alone program and you don't need to have Monogram Wizard Programto use it.

by sdrise 25 Oct 2012

They are fonts you add to the program monogram wizzard. Do you have that program? I am not sure if these fonts will work without the program... Suzanne

getEdited - SELECT
by eastwitch2 edited 24 Oct 2012

You can find the information about this program at the following link.

With this program you are restricted to importing only certain design formats, DST, EXP, PES, PEC, SEW,JEF for the digitzed Alphabets that you may have.

Also you can only save a Stitch file in those formats too.

If you have digitzed Alphabets that are in another format such as HUS, VIP, VIP3 etc then I assume you would have to convert these Alphabet formats first to one of the formats that the program requires before you can use the program.

The same would go for the saved format if you require the HUS, VIP, or VIP3 for your machine you would have to convert the saved stitch file format to the format you need.

It is restrictive in that way from what I can see.

You can download the Manual for the program at the link below and read through it for more information.
