by drro 04 Oct 2012

Has anyone here tried to make a clothesline basket, bowl or bag? What is your advice? I found these links to learn how. All input will be appreciated and thanks in advance:>) Hugs and God Bless!!


by oigelcox 06 Oct 2012

Buy the closeline from your sewing shop not the hardware shop. My sewing shop sells the right rope and patterns for making these bowls and bags as some rope at the hardware are too stiff and hard, . Hugs Joyce

1 comment
drro by drro 07 Oct 2012

Thanks for the tip! This will be very helpful for me! Hugs and Blessings! ro

by justonlyme 05 Oct 2012

Yes, I have. Long before they were popular too. I found that the best "clothesline" is a softer filling, such as the stuff used for piping in upholstery. The clothesline stuff is really dense, and might throw off your timing if you happen to hit it with the needle.
Start out with something that doesn't matter. I suggest a 1/4" ( about 1 cm) size cord for a bowl or basket. It just seems to hold and stand better. Then just wrap your fabric around the core material and set your machine on a medium zigzag and start. To make the bottom flat, keep the project flat against your machine bed. When you start the part that curves up, then start turning your project so that it will naturally curve.
You might want to do a search on YouTube for videos that will show you different ways. You can choose to either finish or not finish the edges of the fabric you wrap around the core (clothesline). It doesn't matter.
And it is alright to use more than one fabric. It is very charming when finished. Please post in projects once you have it finished!! Good luck and enjoy!

1 comment
drro by drro 05 Oct 2012

Thanks so much for your input! This is great advice. Sometimes internet postings make the process look easy. but I know from other experiences, the first attempt can be a frustrating endeavor! Your tips will be a great asset! Thanks, Hugs, and God Bless you!