by janetedna 29 Sep 2012

Hi all. When I click on the home page with the latest pictures and comments, the whole of the message/ question sometimes can be read in full. I might not have a comment to make but would like to give a flower so I click on the flower but the post opens up anyway, which is unnecessary and takes time. This doesn't happen on the other pages does it? or have I got it wrong? Jan


by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Oct 2012

Try starting with the Community Page. That also gives all the latest posts. Just a lot of Freebies there.

by clawton 29 Sep 2012

You are correct in the way it works. However, the home page does not list all of the postings. If you don't want to see all of the postings such as the freebies use the 7 links to the left. That way you only see those postings for that category.

1 comment
janetedna by janetedna 30 Sep 2012

Thanks for that, clawton. I do read the whole lot through when I've time, later. The home page used to be all the latest postings, didn't it and I could keep up to date in a short time and give flowers, there and then. It's only a minor point, no big deal. Jan