by drro 19 Sep 2012

There are some very neat features with this new set up! Did you know if you click on the avatar, all the posts of that person come up! I just discovered that! Very nice!(Maybe you already knew this!)


by babie 20 Sep 2012

O, I also wanted to mention that you do not need to find and click on the avatar. If you know the Cuties name (like drro) you can type into your browser the name for example drro - and the same screen will appear as if you have clicked on the avatar.

1 comment
drro by drro 20 Sep 2012

Fantastic! Thanks for pointing this out:>)

by babie 20 Sep 2012

Yes and if you click under the avatar on for instance designs by cute you will find all the designs loaded for us by the particular cutie. No need for a database list. Also I have noted that where in the past your message was cut, the full old message now appears. I like the new site.

1 comment
drro by drro 20 Sep 2012

Thanks for this information! These are great features, and I believe similar to the site before the last one:>)

by suelyn7 20 Sep 2012

I think this is sooo neat. Thank you for pointing it out.

1 comment
drro by drro 20 Sep 2012

You are welcome:>) hugs!

by killiecrankie 20 Sep 2012

Great discovery

1 comment
drro by drro 20 Sep 2012

Thanks; like many discoveries, it was by accident! hugs!!

by leenova54 20 Sep 2012

Oh that is very cool! Thank you for letting us know, this is the feature I most wanted to have!

1 comment
drro by drro 20 Sep 2012

Hi Debra, good to see you here!! Hugs and blessings and glad you have a feature back you wanted...I like it too!!

by crafter2243 Moderator 19 Sep 2012

I love that we have many of the old features back, The only thing I wish would be there as well are our answers not only the initial posts. Maybe we will get that or I haven't figured it out yet.

1 comment
drro by drro 20 Sep 2012

I hope so too; as they say, all good things come to those who wait, so.....these niceties were well worth the wait! Finding designs is going to be faster and easier with the new features discussed so far it appears:>) Hugs!

by drro 19 Sep 2012

I think you click on the name next to the avatar. Check it out.

1 comment
drro by drro 19 Sep 2012

Actually, it works both ways! Use both!:>)

by drro 19 Sep 2012

So.... this means we can get back to old post of ourselves as well as the cumulative ones we have been compiling for the DBC Catalog!! Very Nifty! Thanks Ms. V!