by mad14kt 22 May 2008

Daily Word...MORE


by joaniessw 22 May 2008

Thank you. I copied and pasted and then blew up to full page and printed out. Now it is posted by my comp. I needed that today. *'s 4U ><>

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 22 May 2008

UR welcome ;)

by shirlener88 22 May 2008

Monica, thank you - *4U Shirlene

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 22 May 2008

UR welcome ;)

by simplyrosie 22 May 2008

Ah... another one I needed to read this morning. G-d's timing is perfect. Thanks Monica!

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 22 May 2008

UR welcome ;)

by pafhen 22 May 2008

Very good reading Monica ~ flowers for you dear

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 22 May 2008


by mad14kt 22 May 2008

Romans 8:1-2

The local sheriff had tightened the requirements for his deputies. They had to qualify on the firing range, where the distance had been extended by 10 yards. Each deputy had 18 seconds to get off 12 shots. The deputy with the best shot was a personal friend of ours named George. But the day before the trials, he had been fitted with trifocals. When his turn came, he drew a bead on the target. “Suddenly,” he told me later, “I began to perspire. And when I perspire, my glasses fog up. There I was with a bead drawn on the target, and all I could see was fog.”

But then he remembered what he’d been taught in the Navy: “If you ever lose sight of the target, just remember your position.”

So with the time running out, George just held his position and pulled the trigger as fast as he could. When he took off his glasses and wiped them, he saw that every shot had hit the bull’s-eye.

There are times as Christians when we, for some reason, lose sight of our target, which is to glorify the Lord. Tears blur our vision. Unexplained tragedy raises questions that cannot be answered and shakes our faith to its foundations.

Then we must remember that our position is “in Christ.” As if we are tired or hurt children, He will gather both us and our loads.

Though we may not see the target, if we just “remember our position,” we won’t miss.

Prayer for the Day:

I know that I am Your child, Father, and You will allow nothing to separate me from your love, which is in Christ. Remind me of my position when life threatens my trust in You.

(By Ruth Graham’s Attic)