by sleepysbabydoll 13 Aug 2012

Hi .. I am in need of a design and was wondering if someone would be interested in making it for me. The capitals in the text need to be 5/8" and lower case need to be 3/8". I need this exact text (see pic). TIA


by eastwitch2 14 Aug 2012


by marjialexa Moderator 13 Aug 2012

This looks like it's a company name. Is this your company, or do you have permission to use the name? A digitizer would need to know a lot more about this before they'd do it, due to name ownership considerations, and probably need written permission. It's not something I'd do without knowing a lot more about who it is and what it's for. This is already an embroidery, and looks to have been done by a professional, so the design already exists. I would question why you need it digitized again. Marji

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 14 Aug 2012
