by diamondfowler 28 Jul 2012

When you have guest for several days, do you feel like slipping off to your sewing room to the comfort of your machines? Two weeks now and I am getting the shakes lol



by debleerl 29 Jul 2012

Yes, I have house guests and I do go to my sewing room. My inlaws are here for a few weeks. They are in their 80's and can't navigate the basement stairs, so they stay up and we stay down. It's like having seperate apartments. We spend time together but not all the time. Works out for all.

by mrskiki 29 Jul 2012

I am a very early riser, so spend a bit of time early on by myself with my machines. It does help to have a project already to go. Hugs. Nan W

by pennyhal 28 Jul 2012

We just added on two very large rooms with their own bathrooms, one of which serves as a sewing room and a guest bedroom. My niece and her family with two teenage children came to visit for a week last month. They were a wonderful family and I was grateful to have the extra space for them so that everyone got a bed somewhere in the house. Everyone was happy and got along. I have to admit that being with them was a lot more fun than being tucked away upstairs stitching alone. I was happy to have some sewing to do when to fill the emptiness when they left. I still miss them.

by vickiannette 28 Jul 2012

Only other sewing fanatics [like us] will understand.

by jrob Moderator 28 Jul 2012

Guests are wonderful when they arrive and even more so when they leave.
Two weeks and I'd be bald, naked in corner crying! You are a saint.;)

by greysewist Moderator 28 Jul 2012

This is unlikely to ever happen to me because my house is too messy for guests & I have no spare rooms (kids still at home)-I think I like it the way it is, LOL. Two weeks to be thrown out of your own routine is a long time!

by tracypullen 28 Jul 2012

My guest are always interested in what I can make them! so I get sewing time in with guest. LOL

by rachap 28 Jul 2012

Too bad we can't plan our machine breakdowns around our guests arrivals!

by marjialexa Moderator 28 Jul 2012

I never have guests, but I think I'd go into the sewing room when hubby goes to work, close the door & lock it. When they come looking for you, just holler through the door, "Oh, the lock is jammed again, it's ok, hubby will get me out when he gets home. No, no, don't call the locksmith, this happens all the time!" Hee hee hee. I couldn't stand having people around 24/7, and being retired, it's all "me" time. Sewing or Valium, sewing is cheaper & better for your health. Hugs, Marji

rescuer by rescuer 28 Jul 2012


snowbird42 by snowbird42 28 Jul 2012

love the door is jammed way to go....soozie

greysewist by greysewist 28 Jul 2012

Great idea, Marji. You'd be great with those pesky marketing callers, too!

crafter2243 by crafter2243 28 Jul 2012

Aren't you clever.

shirley124 by shirley124 28 Jul 2012

Love this comment

by shirlener88 28 Jul 2012

I say go for it.

by lique 28 Jul 2012

Don't! I have my mother in law coming fpr 2 weeks and I am already having withdrawel symptoms just by the thought that I will not have any me time!
She Has a brain tumor and It is very difficult to leave her for any time. Last time I asked her to help me do the weeding.I said to het Pull up all the forghet me nots but leave all the poppies. You can guess what happened. No poppies this year!

1 comment
shirley124 by shirley124 28 Jul 2012

My heart is with you. Had my MIL living with us for a short time years ago, No me time nearly drove me from my own home. As much as you love them it is hard. Hugs Shirley

by katydid 28 Jul 2012

Oh! Child , you are in withdrawal !

by mad14kt 28 Jul 2012

I never had guests to stay over as such but everyone who knows me know, "I TAKE MY SEWING SERIOUSLY", ROFL ;D *2U

by rescuer Moderator 28 Jul 2012

Send everyone else off to the movies (a headache??), then slip quietly off into your sewing room and create while you listen to the peaceful humming of the machine. We all need time alone to re-group.
Two weeks knowing the machines were just in the other room...I would have more than the shakes. lol

by debswebster 28 Jul 2012

I sympathize with you. A girl's gotta do what a girl wants to do!! I like Noah's answer, it's a perfect excuse to start stitching. Send them off shopping!!

by noah 28 Jul 2012

I get them to help me sew with picking colors and making them a towel always hugs:):)

by bumblebee 28 Jul 2012

Sure, but I bet you'll find that they will find them fascinating. My guests quickly were amazed and
put in requests and then I felt overwhelmed. I had to explain it would take a wee bit of time and would
mail it to them. My SIL wanted a football sweatshirt
customized for her boys team.