by minnieb 19 May 2008

why are my flowers not working on some names

it let me give jrob a flower on one page but not the next but let me give others on same page I just had lots of double votes come up but nothing


by shirleysisson 19 May 2008

Sometimes, I think we are just to quick - we need to slow down to a gallop (as my Gran used to say)!! *4U

by mops Moderator 19 May 2008

I get double votes now and again, but that's the site being a bit slow and me being impatient. When you look a couple of seconds later you can see the flower has turned grey after all. Flower for you.

by pafhen 19 May 2008

sometimes its my mouse clicker, not in the right place and then have to click harder than before, sometimes I give a flower on a page and it appears nothing happened so I click again and then it tells me double voted, but the 2nd one does not count on the same person

by celticlady1031 19 May 2008

It's one flower per name per question.

1 comment
katydid by katydid 19 May 2008

Good job!! Mickey.