by mpo14011 18 May 2008

This is not a question.Just a comment on all the gorgeous projects.I can't get over how clever everyone is!Bouncing ideas of each other is a very good idea.We live and learn and it is so much fun!


by auntbaba 19 May 2008

mpo, I have learned so much since I have joined this group! You will love it!

1 comment
auntbaba by auntbaba 19 May 2008

P.S. Welcome!!!

by sqdancer 19 May 2008

So very true mpo, find my days are so full reading all the questions, answering those that I can and just looking at all those beautiful projects the Cute family does...never too old to learn something new, keeps the old gray matter alive and kicking...LOL *4U

by anna25775 19 May 2008

you are very right mpo, this is really a great place to come to learn and get ideas.... each day there is something new, one never stops learning! I bet you are also a good source of ideas and information and look forward to seeing your projects too soon. welcome to the cute family mpo, here's a bunch of flowers for you

by elenu 19 May 2008

You are so right Mpo. You will not find a more friendly, helpful community anywhere.

by mops Moderator 19 May 2008

You are right. We learn, admire and encourage. I am looking forward to seeing some of your projects as well. Flower for you.

by shirlener88 18 May 2008

Welcome and you are right - we love to encourage and learn from one and the other. Hehehe! We hope to see some of your projects soon, too. *4U

by pafhen 18 May 2008

Yes we kinda bounce the ideas and then use them ourselves. Welcome and glad to have you join us

by nglover1 18 May 2008

Welcome mpo . You are so right I am amazed with each and every one . We can look forward to many more. A flower for you.

by joaniessw 18 May 2008

Welcome mpo if I never said so yet. And, thank you for the kind words. I also love seeing other peoples projects. *4U ><>

by lbrow 18 May 2008

U r so right mpo, bouncing ideas that is. that's why I call us a fmly. we all try to help ea. other with whatever the problem is *4U

by jrob Moderator 18 May 2008

I don't believe I've seen your posts before, but wanted to give you a BIG welcome! I am happy you are here. ;)