by letvia 18 May 2008

Ok dear Colonies and Nurselilly (and everybody else), don't forget to download Tuesday Dog from Amazing. It is free today. Enjoy him


by lbrow 18 May 2008

even I got him letvia *4U

by claudenicolas 18 May 2008

Thank you, just i wanted this day with the dog *4U

by colonies1 18 May 2008

I did Letvia and I want to thank everyone for helping. I will be gone for a couple of days but will be back. I need Wednesday dog but I hope it doesn't come up for a couple of days. Is there any request I can vote for now? I will vote before I leave. Bye for now and again thank you all.

letvia by letvia 18 May 2008

Let me know when you will be back to ask for Wednesday Dog. the request for today is the Elk design. The post should be some post down. See you soon. Flower and XoXo

claudenicolas by claudenicolas 18 May 2008

i have voted to day for elk design, but I wish also to have the dogthe westnesday

letvia by letvia 19 May 2008

If it is ok with you I am thinking to ask for other girls that are asking for another designs, since I have been asking for all the dogs many times. I am pretty sure that I can help you around Wednesday. It is ok? Thank you