by vickiannette 11 Jun 2012

Answer for Oigelcox about unwanted phone call. In Aust. go to or call 1300 792 958 and register. There is a similar one for UK called 'call prevention registry'. I'm not sure about other countries.


by mjdg 12 Jun 2012

I'm registered and still get calls. I've discovered if you wait until the end of their pitch, they give a number to push if you don't want to be contacted again.
If it is actually a person you tell them you are on a "do not call list" and tell them to never call again. Keep a record and if they do call, they can be fined hundreds of dollars.... Usually, your name will be removed from their lists.

by anangel 12 Jun 2012

I registered on "the do not call list" several years ago, and reregistered, cause I think it is only good for a three to five year period. Seemed to work really well, until this past year, and I have continuous calls now, even from other countries, plus my cellphone, too! Unless, I recognize a call on my caller ID, I do not answer. If it is important, they will leave a message!! A lot of them are computer recordings political or sales oriented; those I really despise. You pick up and say hello two or three times, a computer comes on; I just hang up. I got tired of the constant intrusions when I am working on something, so let them go to voicemail, unless I glance and recognize the number. I ask repeatedly for ones to not call my number again, but to no avail! They have a team of tele-operators hired to keep calling trying to scam you, sell you something, or ask for donations! I also have a rule of asking those calling for donations, "Are you a paid solicitor?" If they say yes, I do not donate; just my own rule! I want a charitable organization to get 100% of my money for the cause. If members cannot donate time to solicit for their own cause, they need not call me! JMHO

by jjjj 12 Jun 2012

I still get some calls even though I have registered. My way of dealing with them now is to reply 'Who?' if asked am I so and so and 'I don't understand' to all other questions and statements. They soon get fed up and go away. One caller even said - with a sigh - Oh! O.K. and put the phone down.

by anitapatch 12 Jun 2012

In Spain "La lista de Robinson". And it works, I have done it

by mrskiki 12 Jun 2012

We have the Do Not Call registry in the US, but if it is a charity, political or if you are a customer, they can still call you. No way around those. It has helped though. Hugs. Nan W

by pennifold 12 Jun 2012

I see Loralye is asking about this - there is a site I've just had a look on the internet.

Just type in DO NOT CALL REGISTER, ONTARIO, CANADA. Love and blessings Chris

by jayce 12 Jun 2012

The donotcall registry is good to a certain point but once your phone number is on it you will be inundated with calls from charities (these i cant hang up on lol) sometimes i wish i hadnt put my number on the list, i feel this is where the charities found me, and i still get the microsoft scam callsā™„

by shirley124 12 Jun 2012

Thanks for the info it does help stop a lot of the calls but not the microsoft viris scam one. I am on the donotcall list and I still get the call from these people. Shirley

1 comment
shirley124 by shirley124 12 Jun 2012

I do not answer the phone between 6 & 7pm. Family know this and if a call is important enough they can leave a message or ring back later.

by oigelcox 12 Jun 2012

Thanks so much for your advice. Hugs Joyce

by sewist1 11 Jun 2012

It doesn't stop the "Microsoft" scam though because the calls originate outside Australia.

by fabricfairy 11 Jun 2012

Thankyou , just registered they drive me nuts always around dinner time , Cathy

by pldc 11 Jun 2012

WOW I sure wish we had that in Canada!

oigelcox by oigelcox 12 Jun 2012

Maybe they do. Ask your local politicians office. Hugs Joyce

blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 12 Jun 2012

There is, I just don't have the info but have heard about it.