by babie 11 Jun 2012

Seems we are at a bad time now. My husband fell down the steps this weekend. Broke his leg in 4 places. On our way to the specialist to hear whether he needs a operation.


by momhome 14 Jun 2012

Prayers you have. Hope he can follow Drs orders and keep that leg up. I know it will be hard to keep him occupied and not let him go stir-crazy.

by cfidl 12 Jun 2012

Prayers for quick and complete healing on the way.

by crafter2243 Moderator 12 Jun 2012

This has to be hard. I hope for a fast recovery and will keep you in my prayers.

by nanabs 12 Jun 2012

Prayers being sent for his recovery. You will have your hands full while he is laid up so make sure you take time for yourself. Been there too and it's not easy at times. Hugs

by mary51 12 Jun 2012

So sorry to hear this, hope for a pront recovery.

by babie 12 Jun 2012

Thank you for all the prayers - we will need it. Surgery came out worse than expected. He is home but needs to stay in bed or sit with leg raised for 8 weeks. The leg must be raised and are not allowed to be vertical as they had to take away a lot of flesh to get to the splinters to mend it. Apparently the blood flow prevents mending and therefor he needs to keep the leg lifted. There is a lot of pain - lol I think the positive side will be I am going to loose a lot of weight running up and down. Jokes aside a fact is I am sure prayer will pull as through.

airyfairy by airyfairy 12 Jun 2012

You have your husband and I have my GS both with pins and plates in their leg.
Wishing them both a speedy recovery. Sarah.

cfidl by cfidl 12 Jun 2012

Blessings to you both!

drro by drro 12 Jun 2012

ll be thinking of you both in the next 8 weeks and I will be praying for you both too!! Hugs and God Bless!! ro

by shirlener88 12 Jun 2012

It sounds so very painful - hope that surgery isn't needed - but if it is - that it helps him heal faster.

by hightechgrammy 11 Jun 2012

Oh, I'm sorry to hear this news. I think, if your husband is anything like mine, it will be just as hard for you as it will be for him - LOL! I'll be praying for you both! Love and hugs, Jan

by devon 11 Jun 2012

Hope he feels better soon. Prayers to you and your DH. DeVon

by clawton 11 Jun 2012

I do hope he recovers well. I'm sure it will take some time.

by rsehorse 11 Jun 2012

How awful. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Stress, and pain are things we could do without. God Bless, Susan

by capoodle 11 Jun 2012

Prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Will check back later to see if you are able to post an update after his surgery.

by theduchess 11 Jun 2012

OOOHH!Hurts just reading this. Hope everything turns oout OK.

by bnilla9241 11 Jun 2012

OUCH ! Sorry to hear he was hurt. I hope your nerves are not too frayed.
Please know that I send prayers and good thoughts your way.

Healing hugs for you both.

by smallwunderz 11 Jun 2012

So sorry to hear this. 4 breaks ????? Wow what pain he must have endured. Hopefully your doctors will get him up and "running around" in no time.

Hugs and prayers for you and your husband

Lois W.

by babie 11 Jun 2012

Thank you - dr saw him this morning and he was immediately admitted. They are working on reducing the swelling as dr will operate tonight. He is going to put in plates and screws.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 12 Jun 2012

We will be praying for a succesfull surgery and a fast recovery.

by leenova54 11 Jun 2012

Oh my goodness, hopefully he won't need surgery and is hobbling around soon! Good luck and best wishes! Hugs and flowers!

by kitty2011 11 Jun 2012

sending hugs... hope DH is ok

by oigelcox 11 Jun 2012

So sorry to hear this. Poor man must be feeling sad and sorry. I hope they can fix it soon .He is in good hands by the sound od it. Will keep you both in our prayers. Hugs Joyce

by judybell 11 Jun 2012

I too am sorry to hear of this news. Will pray for all of you. Hugs, Judy

by airyfairy 11 Jun 2012

I am so very sorry to hear this. Hope he will be on the mend very soon. Hugs Sarah.

by juanitadenney 11 Jun 2012

So sorry to hear this, I hope your husband won't need surgery. Keep us posted on how he is doing. Juanita

by sadp 11 Jun 2012

Sorry to 'hear' about your bad luck, hope things will turn out right. My hubby tore the ligaments in his foot/ankle last week by just climbing into the car, seems we are getting old and doing silly things to hurt our bodies. Not so young and agile any more, hugs S*

by nannynorfolk 11 Jun 2012

Oh- hope he's ok?