by scrappinhappie 02 Jun 2012

I have a non embroidery question, I don't quilt but have made my first top for my great nephew on his way. I have had a EZ3 quilt frame in the box for a couple years and never used. I put it together and it talks about "cloth leaders", can someone please explain what they are talking about.


by scrappinhappie 03 Jun 2012

Thank you everyone, I looked at the links you gave and suggestions and made some from some muslin I had. Have them attached to the frames and now ready to figure out how and what attaches where and start quilting my first quilt. Thanks everyone, I knew I could get good answers here.

by linda8450 03 Jun 2012

Some folks sew loooong zippers to the leaders and the quilt, some baste (strong thread I would advise) some pin. You want the front leader to "lead" the quilt through the rollers as you quilt, roll, quilt, roll, and the back leader follows! Keeps everything attached and flowing smoothly. Without that "lead" you would not be able to stitch to the very edges of your quilt. Sort of a cheat to get the best possible use of your long arm! Linda

by alexgrandma 03 Jun 2012

Here is a site that sells the video on how to do it. But I pinned mine. But if I remember correctly, I have not used mine in a year or more. You roll the top, bottom and batting on rollers. You pin all three together and start quilting with your cloth leader. I am sure that you could go on youtube and someone must have a video on it..

by powagrl 02 Jun 2012

Cloth Leaders are an accessory that you can purchase.

justonlyme by justonlyme 02 Jun 2012

Whew, that is some expensive cloth. Muslin would work just as well, and be far cheaper. You just need something so that you don't have to wrap your quilt around the quilting frame.Pin or baste in place while quilting.

scrappinhappie by scrappinhappie 02 Jun 2012

yes they are quite expensive but it gave me an idea of what they were talking about

by bnilla9241 02 Jun 2012

If the poles that you put together have a canvas strip attached to them those are call cloth leaders. You would sew the edges of your quilt to those canvas strips.
Hope this helps!

Hugs, Bonnie

scrappinhappie by scrappinhappie 02 Jun 2012

OK, there is no canvas cloth so do I need to make some and how big are they

noah by noah 02 Jun 2012

mine are 5 inches wide to give me room and the lenth of the pole i also sewed it double as i wanted it to last hugs

scrappinhappie by scrappinhappie 02 Jun 2012

ok. I'm going to make some and how do you attach the top, batting and back to them

by kitty2011 02 Jun 2012

I'm not a quilter yet, but I'm interested, so I'll look forward to the answer.