by meganne 05 May 2012

I keep saying there is never a dull moment here, so read on if you enjoy life......

Earlier tonight I got a phone call from my next door neighbour saying my 20lb cat, Spanky, was stuck up a tree in her back yard.
Of course I dropped what I was doing (cooking dinner) and went flying out the door with torch in hand and trying to put on a cardigan, it's cold after sunset.
My neighbour, Brenna, came out to meet me and let me know...
it has to be the WORST tree in her back yard....
remembering we live on the river bank.
You guessed it!
When I shined the torchlight up the tree here was my big black cat stuck in the fork of the tree trunk, but not one of the trunks that went up over the land, nooooo, that would be too easy.
HE was stuck on the trunk that grew on about a 65* angle, out over the water.
And where was Ray when I need him, he'd gone to the shops to pick up some essentials, hadn't he?
So, back I come home to see what I could grab, some pole or something long enough to try prodding him to make him try and come down.
Now, of course you have realised it is dark outside and quite cool and I'm in full, "What on earth can I do" mode and feeling totally useless because I can't even reach the extension ladder since Ray stored it in a rack just below the 9 foot high garage ceiling, I'm only 5'3". Aaaaargh!
My poor baby, he must be terrified stuck up there with strangers watching him.
Did I tell you he was a rescue cat and he is absolutely terrified of strangers, he hides under our bed when the doorbell rings.
Anyway, I find a long metal pole and head off back into the neighbours, but not before phoning Ray and telling him to hurry and get home.
So, here I am, outside in the dark, my right leg half wrapped around one of the trunks and stretching the pole up as far as I could to try and reach my poor cat.
NOPE! This ain't ever goin to work, the pole is about 4 feet short of him and he's just sitting there looking down at me.
I gave that up as useless and tried cajoling the cat down.
Then I got a brainwave, why don't we push Brenna's houseboat down towards and under the tree, he might jump down onto it.
Yeah right! Not on your sweet Nelly is that bloody cat jumping onto that boat!!!!
Thank Heavens! Ray is home, he can get the extension ladder down and bring it over.
That said, in no time at all, he had the ladder extended out onto the tree trunk, leaning away from us out over the water.
Of course, he left it short of the cat by about 4 foot.
"So what do you think I am, a monkey?
I can shimmy the rest of the way?"
Extend the ladder some more, I test it by giving it a shake, not happy with where it is resting on the trunk, make it more centred. Nerves now very strained as I face this daunting task because there is no way that mongrel cat will go to anyone else but me. (notice the change from endearments to expletives, they might even have been a bit worse than those printed here. LOL!!!!)
So, I take my first tentative step up the, not very stable ladder, balanced by the top rung leaning against the tree trunk, jutting out over the icy cold, pitch black, foreboding water.
And with the encouraging words of... "I wish I had a movie camera"; "If you fall in I'll laugh"; "we could get a $10,000 video", "yeah, funniest home videos";
ringing in my ears, I slowly ascend the ladder.... up, up, up, towards that bloody cat. I was so shaky, the ladder was so unstable, underneath me was the water, I kept telling myself don't look down, but how could I help it I was basically straddled over a tree trunk, leaning out over the water and it was a looooong way down. Did I tell you I have very bad knees? They are both bone on bone, one of them often gives way underneath me when I'm on dry land.......
So here I am stuck, 3/4's of the way, up the ladder and my left leg refused to move up another rung. I had hold of another straighter trunk with my right hand, one more step upwards and I would lose that reassuring hand hold.
The jokes from below changed to supportive encouragement as they all realised I was terrified of falling and that I couldn't get myself to move.
When Ray said those magic words, "you don't want your little boy stuck out in the cold all night, do you? You can do it!
So up I went, climbing ever higher on this shaky ladder.
I have no idea what I thought I was going to do when I reached him, remember he weighs in at twenty pounds, so I can barely lift him at the best of times.
Now here I was, hanging onto a ladder, twenty five feet off the ground, even further from the surface of the water, one arm wrapped around the tree trunk trying to cajole my poor terrified baby to come to me. This was impossible! I can't get a hold of him cleanly, because I have one arm around each side of the trunk and I can't possibly get them both around the same side.
I looked down to the roof of the houseboat, probably 10 - 12 feet below us and made the most difficult decision.
After about five minutes battling with my terrified cat, looking at the absolute fear and confusion in his eyes, I managed to force him off the tree and onto the roof of the houseboat, where he stayed for another hour before Daddy managed to cajole him to come to him and he grabbed him and got him down the rest of the way.
Do you know how much it hurts when you have to be cruel to be kind?
This mum's heart can only dish out so much
tough love and she always ends up in tears.
Spanky is now safely sound asleep on his favourite chair beside his mum and I don't think he will ever go into next door again.
Hope you enjoyed my little tail! LOL!
Hugs n roses, Meganne
Sorry, I don't have any photo's of the actual event but if you look at the tree, in front of the houseboat, the trunk leaning out over the water, you can see the fork in it where Spanky was stuck.
It doesn't look quite so tall in this photo because the river was in flood then so you can't see the land, or their jetty, it was under water.


by greysewist Moderator 06 May 2012

Where is 'Fireman Sam' of the kids stories when you need him? Yep, same place as Ray was :) Great 'tail' -hope it cures him of the great outdoors!

by marietta 06 May 2012

Oh my goodness, you had me strapped to my chair as well, waiting to see what happened in the end. I know what it is like to worry to tears over four legged babies.
So glad everything ended well, and neither you or Spanky ended up in the water.
Hugs and God bless

by blueeyedblonde 06 May 2012

Meaganne - you tell your stories so wonderfully! I was sitting on the edge of my chair even though I knew it would be ok in the end. Yup - like some of the others have said "you need to be writing a book" as you just have such a way with words - we can picture things as if we were right there. Thank you for posting and by the way, I love it that you post here as if was in personals I would have missed it as I rarely have time to go there.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 06 May 2012

Thank you for your lovely words.
Spanky never ventured further than the veranda today. LOL!!! I think he was embarrassed his mummy had to rescue him. hahahahaha. :-)

by christracey 06 May 2012

Lucky Spanky. I was worried you were going to say you did end up in the water..brrrr. You did well.

by eyeztodiefor10 05 May 2012

Thank you for sharing your story. They say eventually cats come down on their own but sometimes it looks like they're up there for good. I'm glad you rescued the big guy, he wouldn't have been too happy if he had fallen in the water. Maybe this will teach him to stay out of trees for awhile.

by drro 05 May 2012

Glad your boy is safe at home again!!

by shirley124 05 May 2012

I don't think I could have done what you did. You are a very brave lady.

by asterixsew Moderator 05 May 2012

Tree climbing and cat rescue can now be added to your CV. Life never seems dull with you, just hope you dont have a repeat performance on your hands. Well done on getting Spanky back in one piece

by lbrow 05 May 2012

Meg I did not laugh at this, you are as brave and daring as any mom can be when her child is in danger. I hope Spanky learned a lesson but knowing cats as I do, "he didn't" All is well that ends well. You need a cape and hat that say SUPER MOM" Many, many hugs/Lillian

1 comment
meganne by meganne 06 May 2012

17 years ago Tidge was chased up a hugely tall tree & was sitting on the tiniest outcrop of a broken branch, at least 40 feet up. The effort it took to get her down was just heart warming, she has never climbed another tree since, just house roofs. :-)

by 1sewnsew 05 May 2012

This is a great story. But shouldn't it be posted in the PERSONAL section?

meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

Not if I CHOOSe to post it in Community, it is after all, a story about a happening in our Community.
And if you are going to Chastise someone for something YOU don't agree with, you should do it privately, otherwise you run the risk of alienating other Cuties, doing it publicly.
Besides, do you download any of my free designs? Well you can put up with my other foibles.

meganne by meganne 06 May 2012

other Cuties doing it publicly like this, especially since you are still such a newbie and the person you are chastising could be a well loved Cutie of long standing.
Besides, do you download any of my free designs?
Well you can put up with my other foibles, too.
When Miss Veronika writes to me personally and gives me her interpretation of the rules, that is when I will change MY views on where I should post articles of public interest.

meganne by meganne 06 May 2012

foibles, too.
When Miss Veronika writes to me personally and gives me her interpretation of the rules, that is when I will change MY views on where I should post articles of public interest.

meganne by meganne 06 May 2012

No roses for you today, you have just put a sour taste in my mouth and reminded me WHY I stopped posting AND gifting designs.

lbrow by lbrow 06 May 2012

Awwww Meggie I DO LOVE YOU!/Lillian

choctawcharli by choctawcharli 07 May 2012

My friend Marianne sent this to me, because I write similar Tails (Terror Tails) on our site. I agree, it is your site, you can do what you want with it! I love your style and I hope Spanky is staying home for a little while. Hugs.

by susiesembroidery 05 May 2012

You are a brave lady, Meganne. Spanky must have been really scared up there, but Superhero Mommy got him down just in time. Lovely story, I enjoyed every moment with you. ****

by noah 05 May 2012

Wow thank God your all fine lol hugs and you are a great story teller lol carolyn

by janetedna 05 May 2012

It looks tall enough to me! You tell a fine tale which I could just imagine. Glad all's well. Jan

by bikermomfl 05 May 2012

All I can say is wow! What a good mommy. I remember years ago our cat got stuck on the roof and neither hubby nor I are capable of getting up there (scaredy cats)so big 'atta girl' for you.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 06 May 2012

AND you ride Motor bikes???? They terrify me! LOL!!!
When I was younger I used to love climbing up & sitting on the roof, my legs are a bit shaky now. I've got Tidge down off the roof many times in the past.

by ethan 05 May 2012

All's well that ends well, glad you are both safe. G

by hightechgrammy 05 May 2012

I had such a good time reading your story, and only had a little anxiety that everything would turn out okay in the end! I could just picture it all and it was soooo exciting! I hate climbing on ladders, so you made my heart beat faster, and my mouth go dry! That Spanky is quite a guy - I wonder what he was thinking the whole time! We call the fire department in the US when we have a kitty situation like this! I agree, this would make a great children's book! So thankful it all worked out! jan

by nini 05 May 2012

Meganne, you gave me same intense and laughing minutes reading yor history. You're a perfect story teller. I think you should consider writing a book as you a very talented writer. I'm glad all ended well. Not only you have an interesting life, but also you know how to take the best out of it. Hugs and laughs. Maria

by claudenicolas 05 May 2012

Hello meganne
I have read all your story, but I have not understand all the words , but I see that it was very difficult, and you have done it. Your Spanky is a beautiful cat, he is now well at home, and he can be proud of you he will thank you with big purring.

by lenamae 05 May 2012

Meganne you do have the makings of a good kids book Don't let is pass you by write it like the cat is doing the riting and you have a best seller

by meganne 05 May 2012

Thought I'd better upload a photo of Spanky, he's laying on our bed with Tidge, who weighs 8lb.
We call Spanky the Tanker. I think you'll all agree, he's a big boy! LOL!!!

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 May 2012

I wonder which one is which - LOL! There is quite a difference in size!!

cfidl by cfidl 05 May 2012

OMG! Huge, glad Tidge is there.

meganne by meganne 06 May 2012

Tidge is holding her own and every day is a gift from the Creator.

by gerryb 05 May 2012

Yep, I see a child's story book in that! Spanky & the Great Tree Adventure! Just think how you could put what he surely was thinking about you & everyone else!! But I have to admit, I did sit here laughing..esp since I knew you & cat had to survive as you were writing the story! Glad all's safe now!

1 comment
meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

Yeah, it was a bit hard trying not to give away the ending before I got to it! LOL!!!

by chenille 05 May 2012

Oh my!! You are brave! I might add that I would have been as terrified as the cat! Can't swim and hate heights! Glad it all turned out well.
Hugs, Nadyne
Did you burn dinner! LOL

meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

hahahaha! Don't think I'm particularly brave but I do love my fur babies.
I hadn't actually started cooking the dinner, just preparing the chicken and veggies for a stir fry. I'm just glad the other two cats didn't get up and thieve the chicken off the bench while I was gone. LOL!!!

meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

off the bench while I was gone. LOL!!!

by bumblebee 05 May 2012

My house is 2 story 20 ft or so I know the ledge of the top window is 15 ft hi. and our old cat used regulary jump from that 10-12 ft on the highest landing and give me heart attack. He always seemed okay.
We had a mama bear and 2 cubs in a town adjacent to the hills which are near the wildlife corridor hanging out in a tree in a Southern California neighborhood last week. Imagine looking outside your window and a bear is hanging out in a pepper tree in the front lawn. Those little ones are cute.
Glad you made it okay but maybe cajoling with food to a lower branch might be better.

bumblebee by bumblebee 05 May 2012

Lovely locale and Spanky looks like a great kitty.

meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

I think seeing bears would be amazing and scary at the same time, I don't believe I would be game to leave the house if there were bears around.
As for Spanky, I'm afraid there aren't any lower branches on that trunk he was stuck in the lowest fork.
And I'm sorry but I didn't post the cat photo so it isn't Spanky, he's about three times the size of that kitty. LOL!!!

meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

Sorry, but I didn't post the cat photo so it isn't Spanky, he's about three times the size of that little kitty. LOL!!!

by gerryvb 05 May 2012

when will you publish your first book? But oh dear, what we all do for our pet friends. I think you deserve a lot of compliments!!And Spanky ought to be proud and thankful to have you.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

I wish he had been on a branch as thin as this one, it would have broken under his weight and saved me a trip up the ladder. LOL!!!!

by bnilla9241 05 May 2012

You are a wonderful story teller! You might consider writing about "The Adventures of Spanky", or "Spanky's Mommy"
I could not have done what you did. Ypu are a brave woman!
Try to stay out of the trees, and give Spanky a hug from me.
Several hugs your way too!
Hugs, Bonnie

by capoodle 05 May 2012

Sardines. Just open a can of sardines and you will have every cat in the vicinity meowing at you. You did entertain me as I was up at 5:30am to do a garage sale with friends and it rained on us. Just got home and put things away and into dry clothes so I needed a good laugh. I'm sure you were not too amused at the time. What we do for our beloved pets.

meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

I'm afraid not Spanky, he doesn't particularly like sardines, he's more of a salmon man. hehehehe!!! But he was so afraid I think he would have stayed there all night until I got him down, he had that fear smell about him. Next door has a boisterous dog, probably what scared him up the tree in the first place.

meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

dog, probably what scared him up the tree in the first place.

by juanitadenney 05 May 2012

Happy you and Spanky are alright. I am afarid of water so I never would have climbed over water. Hopefully he will not go up another tree.

by basketkase 05 May 2012

I love your stories, Meg...the happy ending was terrific, and provided so much adventure...I am sure glad Spanky has you for a Mum and Ray for a Dad to come to his rescue.....Awesome pic too, helps provide the image for our imagination with the story....Hugs to you & Spanky...Vicki

by jerrib 05 May 2012

OMG: Sorry Meg, but I laughed so hard I almost lost my bladder control. I can just picture you.
Thank you for the laughs.

by gramsbear 05 May 2012

Meganne, you should write short stories and publish them!!! This one is wonderful! Hugs, Judy

by zoefzoef 05 May 2012

Felt I was read a part of "Mission impossible"... In the movie they also do the impossible..and they also succeed !! Happy end !... Don't you just love cats ?? and then afterwards they can go easly sleeping while yourself are still trembling on your leggs..

by castelyn 05 May 2012

Megs you had me smiling to myself while I was reading this. I thought you landed in the water. Thank goodness that was not the case. You don't have a dull moment, I don't know what I would have done.
Hugs Yvonne

1 comment
meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

Heaven forbid! It is so cold right now, and the water isn't very deep, so if I fell from that height I could have really hurt myself. :-)

by lflanders 05 May 2012

One thing for sure. you do not lake for excitement! I have no idea what I would have done if it had been me! I can barely get up and down my 5 or 6 front stairs. My son just talked to one of my neighbors about building me a ramp for my riding cart. I still have not figured out how I would get in and out of my Durango alone but that is another chapter. That river looks like it could get very menacing in bad weather! I can not swim so if it had been my kitty, it would have had to find it's way down alone or I would have had to pay someone to do the job for me. You sure are brave! I am deathly afraid of snakes so my fat butte would never gone halfway up a tree in the water! I am glad that kitty and you got out of this without taking a nightly swim in the river........ You are right, there are very few dull moments in your life! Hugs, Linda

by terriweistra 05 May 2012

You should most definitely write a book!!! Thanks you for the entertaining account (for me, not for you... until it was all over anyway) of the rescue of your kitty. I am glad that it all turned out well for the kitty AND for you :)

by grandmamek 05 May 2012

Meg, You certainly live an interesting life. Sounds like there is never a dull moment. Glad to hear you were able to rescue Spanky. Hugs, Mary

by leenova54 05 May 2012

Oh Meganne you do have a gift for telling the story so that we can actually SEE you climbing out on the limbs of the tree, terrified! I do hope kitty learned a lesson and do hope your nerves have settled too!
Hugs, Debra

by pennifold 05 May 2012

Dear Meg, I can just imagine it! You poor thing, I hope your knees haven't been too damaged. Make sure you rest them and I'm glad Spanky and Ray are O.K. Never a dull moment at your place! Love Chris

meganne by meganne 05 May 2012

My knees were pretty painful after the shaky climb, but my poor tummy was really giving me grief, all the stretching, tugging and pushing. It took a good half an hour of being doubled up in pain, before I could finish cooking dinner.
Never a dull moment. hahahahaha!!!

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 May 2012

Meg, I can't climb more than two rungs up a ladder before I get a bad tummy ache and shake and tremble - I can't imagine doing what you did!

by cfidl 05 May 2012


by sewemb 05 May 2012

You should feel like a hero, I love my dog but I don't know if I could do anything close to that. That cat is loved...

by pldc 05 May 2012

oh my goodness Meg You are that Spanky's HERO! HUgs Loralye