by gerryvb 04 May 2012

update: my hand is out of plaster for a week now, but the thumb is still very painfull and i can hardly bend or use it. I have physiotherapy but it will take time before it's back to normal.So I still do a lot of things lefthanded.Thanks for your interest :)


by bumblebee 05 May 2012

Wishing you a speedy and ouchless recovery

by bnilla9241 05 May 2012

I will add you to my prayer list. I know it will be better down the road. I understand your pain.

Take care of yourself! Be patient, it will be okay in time.

Hugs and prayers, Bonnie

by shirlener88 05 May 2012

Still praying fo ryou Gerry!

by momhome 05 May 2012

Don't forget to rub Vit E oil into the scar when healed so it will breakdown the scar tissue and increase your mobility. You can wait until it doesn't hurt to touch it as much. Keep up with the physiotherapy and goodluck. I can tell you have been doing more and more as your daily posts are getting longer. Glad to have you back. Keep hanging in there.

by parkermom 04 May 2012

dont rush the therapy--stay at the pace they want, even though you want to hurry it up. It's not worth the setback

by susiesembroidery 04 May 2012

Shame! I feel sorry for you and hope you will recover soon. Hope the pain will subside soonest. XOXOXOXO*****

by sqdancer 04 May 2012

Happy to hear things have improved Gerry, physio will help I am sure ... take care Hugs Glenda x0x0x0

by zoefzoef 04 May 2012

Okay, so the plaster is alteady off, that's good news. Still the physio you need to do, but things are going on the right way. Ctazy/stupid what little accidents can do to your life, isn't it.

by cfidl 04 May 2012

bummer about the pain. PT is going to renew that pain every time, so take it easy. Too bad they can't immobilize until it is all healed!