by saamore 20 Apr 2012

hello everyone, i hope someone can help me. i need a scull and x bones for a t shirt for my 7 year old grandson. applique if possible. free would be

good . thanks, shirley


by sewmom 20 Apr 2012

Try these posts

1 comment
saamore by saamore 22 Apr 2012

thank you so much. i got some great scull and cross bones

by catsnhorses 20 Apr 2012

Blasto Stitch has a set of applique and fill in multiple sizes for only $2.99. This is the company that gives away the daily design at I've stitched a few of their other designs and they came out well.

1 comment
saamore by saamore 22 Apr 2012

thank you so much very cute . and great price

by asterixsew Moderator 20 Apr 2012 will probably have some but probbly not free

1 comment
saamore by saamore 22 Apr 2012

thank you for your help

by cfidl 20 Apr 2012

There has to be what you need out here, I have a few, however not enough time to research. Try the Master Catalog - check pirates! Live Laugh Download Stitch!

1 comment
saamore by saamore 22 Apr 2012

thank you. very good instructions. most valuable